Chapter 37- In It Together

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Underlined + Italicised = French

August 31st, 2016:

I woke up early to get dressed and ready before my dad called. He was going to call when he and my sister were visiting my mom's grave since today was the anniversary of her death.

As I was finishing my yogurt cup, Timothée texted me.

Timothée: Hey, I'm guessing you'll be awake by now

Timothée: I'm going to bed since I'm so dead, but I'll call you tomorrow when I wake up

Timothée: Have a good day and know I'm thinking about you and your mom ❤️

Timothée: I love you 😚

I smile. He remembered. I hadn't reminded him or anything since I hated bringing it up. This was him actively remembering or one of the boys texted him, which either way, I appreciated.

Y/N: Thanks

Y/N: Sleep tight, love you ❤️

Right then, my dad facetimed.

"Hey Y/N," he smiles.

"Hey," I wave, "is S/N there?"

"Yeah, right behind me," he says, shifting the phone so I could see her walking behind him, "we're walking in the graveyard right now. We brought flowers. Carnations, her favourite".

He then stops and turns the camera to show her tombstone.

Lee Yeongja

Daughter, wife, mother

Herself to the end

I take a deep breath, trying to keep it together. I hadn't actually seen her tombstone since before I left for Korea. It looked like it was well-maintained thankfully. My sister puts the flowers down in front of the stone.

"I can feel her smiling right now," my dad says, obviously starting to cry.

"She'd be so happy with how we've all turned out," my sister sniffles, "Y/N an idol in Korea, Papa with someone that brings him joy and fulfillment, me finally with a solid job finding myself..."

"You have a new job?" I blurt out surprised.

"Yes Y/N," my sister chuckled through the sniffles, "as a researcher with Radio-Canada".

"Oh, wow congrats," I smile proudly.

"You girls are so strange," my dad laughs, "but then Yeongja wouldn't have it any other way. And neither would I".

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