Chapter 61- I Don't Know

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Author's Note at the End :)

November 2nd, 2016:

I had not slept well the night before. I kept on thinking about that kiss, if you could call it that. It had barely lasted more than 2 seconds and yet it felt like so much more than that. I was very aware of that, but I couldn't wrap my head around how to move forward. Did I forget it ever happen and hope that Jongin did the same? Should I tell Timothée? I was beyond confused.

It was strange being concerned about something other than the court case. However, all I could do was wait for them to decide on the appeal. Nevertheless, I really wish Jongin hadn't given me this confusion. I didn't need it, nor did I want it, no matter how confused I was about my continued love for him.

We had filmed a BTS RUN episode in the morning and had been rehearsing for 3rd Muster the rest of the afternoon. Jimin and Taehyung were messing around, imitating the rappers performing BTS Cypher 4. I join in laughing.

"It sounds so different when Y/N says it," Hoseok laughs, "she's got the real accent".

Seokjin was on his phone and smiling.

"What's got you smiling so much?" Jungkook asked him, going to tickle him.

"Nothing," he says, lowering his smile seriously, "just..." he looks up at me and the 95 line competing to see who could rap the fastest and Namjoon shaking his head in disbelief despite having just shown us how to do it, "it's been a while since we've been like this... it's nice".

"I'll rap on a track someday, you'll see," Taehyung states confidently as we were coming back to rehearse together.

"On your own song," Yoongi chuckles.

"I'll let you rap on one of my songs, oppa," I smile at him through the mirror.

"Thank you Y/N," he beams, "finally someone that recognises my talent".

We all burst out laughing at how serious he was being.

"Taehyung-ah, you have a lot talents, but rapping isn't one of them," Jimin laughs, patting his back.

Taehyung shot him a mock hurt look making Jimin laugh even more.

"Alright, alright," Hoseok got our attention back, "let's get back to it".


It was now late at night, and I didn't think I could hold it in any longer, I needed to talk to someone about what had happened. Get some advice.

"Hey, Jungkook, wanna watch Signal at my place tonight?" I ask him. We had talked about finally finishing the show we'd started at the beginning of the year for forever, and it was a good excuse to ask for advice on his own.

"Uh, yeah, sure," Jungkook nods, continuing to focus on the next move he was supposed to do.

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