Chapter 75- To Be or Not to Be Overshadowed

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November 23rd, 2016:

I was at Source Music rehearsing the end-of-year performance with SinB, Eunha, Jeonghwa, and Hwasa. It was going better than the last time and we were making real progress. Hwasa and Jeonghwa were crushing this sexy, girl-boss concept. I felt I definitely had the ability to, I just needed to get confident again, Eunha and SinB were simply just not used to it since they always did the more girly, feminine concepts. But that was not to say they weren't trying, sometimes with comical results.

"Jungkook tells me Yugyeom has been super cagey about who he's been seeing," I wink to Hwasa while we were taking a break.

"He's a very cautious guy," she says blushing slightly, "we still haven't had 'the talk' yet".

"You're older right?" Jeonghwa asks while unscrewing her water bottle cap.

"Yeah, by two years," Hwasa nods, "but he doesn't seem to mind that".

We all grin, happy Hwasa was happy with someone.

"Stop doing that," she blushed, throwing her sweaty towel at SinB.

"What?" SinB said acting dumb, "we're just happy for you".

"What about you and Tim? I know you guys were going through a rough patch?" Hwasa turns to me, obviously trying to change the subject.

I hadn't told them the end result, mostly because I felt this was something I wanted to tell them in person.

"We're done," I smile sadly, "it just wasn't going to work between us. It was an amicable split, so not all bad I guess".

I didn't want to tell them about the whole Jongin situation, that part was too embarrassing and shameful for me to speak about right now.

"I'm sorry," Eunha says, rubbing my shoulder supportively.

"Maybe some time to yourself will be good though," SinB says trying to find a silver lining.

"Yeah, maybe," I answer, frowning slightly, the idea seeming a bit daunting.

"Hey, it was good while it lasted and that's what matters right," Jeonghwa says clapping her hands together as if finalizing the matter.

"Yeah, there's too much man talk right now anyways," SinB agrees seriously, "I wanna know what we think of expanding the group. Jennie from Blackpink's been trying to get in, what do we think of her?".

"She seems chill," Hwasa shrugs.

"What is this? Are we some kind of exclusive club?" Eunha laughs, "have I forgotten to pay my membership fee?"

"Well, I don't know," SinB says defensively, chuckling slightly, "we should preserve the vibe we have. We can't just open it up to everyone cuz then it'll get too big, and you know, opinions, drama, all that..."

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