Chapter 40- Blood, Sweat, and Tears MV Hidden Camera

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September 8th, 2016:

I was in the makeup chair getting my hair extensions on in the backroom of our Blood Sweat and Tears video set. My hair had grown quite a lot since I had cut it last, but they wanted me to have extra-long hair and had dyed some extensions at the same time we dyed my hair white ombre. They braided two thin braids at the front of my face and then tied them together at the back so none of the hair would fly into my face when I danced.

"I've read about Kaistal," Deaseong says as he stylised the little flyaway hairs, "I hope you're not too stressed by it".

"I'm not..." I say, a little confused as to why he was asking.

"Krystal can be quite cold I'm told," he continues.

"She's fine, at least with me," I say matter-of-factly, not liking he was trying to start talking about something that didn't concern him whatsoever.

"I'm glad to hear it," he smiles, "I'd hate to see you have any undue stresses".

"Thanks," I say, eyeing him. My weird feeling about him was growing by the minute. He just made me uncomfortable.

"Y/N, you need to put on your shoes," a stylist calls from the other side of the room.

I give him a quick smile and head out. Making a note in my mind to mention Deaseong's comments to Yoona. 

I was in my outfit for the MV: a short, flowy gray dress with a bow around my waist. I go expecting them to hand me the boots I'd been rehearsing in, but instead, she's holding thin block-heeled sandals with diamond straps.

"What are those?" I say, not taking the shoes she was handing me.

"They're the shoes you're going to prank the boys with," Yoona says, coming over smiling.

"A prank? How?" I question, always down for a good prank.

"So, we'll give you these shoes and make it seem like you don't have a choice. React negatively, shout, get angry, that type of stuff," Yoona explains, "then me or one of the other managers will step in and it'll be this big thing. We'll make sure they're near to hear. Then you'll go on and film the non-dance parts of the music video, but be angry about it, act uncomfortable type of thing. Keep complaining, make them uncomfortable really. Hopefully, they give us some good reactions".

"Okay, I can do that," I smirk happily, "you do have my boots though right?"

"Yes, don't worry," Yoona nods, pointing to a suitcase in the corner.

"Ok, let's do this," I smile, taking the shoes.


"These are not the shoes we agreed on," I say to Sejin angrily near to where Jimin, Taehyung, and Seokjin were filming with the behind-the-scenes camera. Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jungkook were in the changing room a few feet away and Hoseok was just coming back from the washroom.

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