Chapter 27- Best Friends

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June 6th, 2016:

I was doing a solo Vlive in an office cubicle when I got a text from Jungkook.

Jungkook: Are you busy?

Jungkook rarely asked me this question, mostly because he could just ask other people and find out through there. But not only did that worry me, but honestly, Jungkook rarely texted unless it was strictly necessary.

I had been doing charades with ARMY, it was something I thought of on one of the many plane rides while looking at our monthly schedule.

"Okay, one last one," I say, seeing I had been on for 40 minutes already. I take a minute to think of something and then start acting out baking since someone had just walked by with a cookie.

"Cooking is close," I say, having realises early on that me staying silent the whole time would get us nowhere. I add a few new gestures and then I see a couple of people write the answer in the comments.

"Yes! Baking! Good job guys," I smile, "well I think that's enough for one day... I hope you had fun today. Maybe I can bring a member to join in next time. I'll see you all soon, bye!"

I end the live and text Jungkook asking where he was. I walk down to the studios to get my things in case he was at his dorm.

"Have you seen Jungkook?" I ask Hoseok who was getting some water.

"Yeah, he's in the studio," he answers, "he's been super quiet working on schoolwork since he got back from his shoot".

"What was the shoot?" I ask, heading to Hoseok's studio.

"Flower Crew I think," Hoseok answers as I get to the door. I shoot him a thankful smile and go into the studio.

Jungkook was sitting on couch, his schoolwork in front of him on the small coffee table, but he didn't seem to be doing any work. Instead, he looked like he was just staring blankly at the pages, pencil in his hand.

"Hey," I say quietly, "you texted?"

"Oh, Y/N," he says, coming out of his trance, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have bothered you. It's nothing".

"Well, I'm here now," I state, getting the chair from the desk, "and I don't have anything to do until practice later. So, what's up? Is it about your shoot?"

"I... how do I... yes," he finally gives in.

"What happened? Did they like the lunches we picked out?" I ask him. Jungkook had called me and asked which burgers I thought the crew would most like and we had picked them together.

"That's just it," he says, taking a deep breath as if to stop himself from crying, "so, I was like 10 minutes late to the recording because we spent so time picking out the right burgers... and then when I got there, I offered them and I thought they would like them. That's why I bought them, to try and make a good impression," he shoots his eyes up to the ceiling to stop tears from falling, "but they didn't take them. They refused them. They called them leftovers... and not good looking... When they were fresh!"

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