Chapter 49- Don't Want This

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Author's Note at the End :)

! Disclaimer -> Sexual Assault !

October 2nd, 2016:

I look at the hashtag #Y/NMysteryBoyfriend in horror. I hesitantly click on it and I'm taken to the tweets. I start scrolling and start laughing. They were memes and tweets about the person that had proposed to me and ARMYs reaction to my reaction and what they would do to date me.

"What's so funny?" Jungkook asks walking up to me.

I just hand him my phone, still chuckling a bit out of relief that it wasn't anything serious.

"Wow, look at you," Jungkook chuckles, "the heartthrob of the moment".

"Oh, shut up," I roll my eyes.

We walk together to the dance studio, and I'm met with teasing the moment I step in. Once Taehyung saw me, he started playing Work by Rihanna.

"Work for the ring huh," Jimin laughed, "you looked like a scolding mother".

"I did not," I defend myself.

"I'm not that easy," Taehyung repeats in a high-pitched voice trying to imitate me.

I shove him and he tumbles over a bit, still laughing.

"It wasn't that funny," I complain.

"Thank god you're already with Tim," Jungkook chuckles, "do you know how lazy most guys are? They won't put the work in".

"Say that to male ARMYs," I counter, smirking, "and what about the female ARMYs that might be willing to put the work in, huh? What about them?"

"Well, it's too bad you're already with Tim," Jimin winked.


October 6th, 2016:

I had finally gone home for the first time in 3 days to get some sleep in a comfortable bed. We had been rehearsing so much that we didn't bother going back to our dorms.

After a shower, I finally let myself fall on my bed. I was very nearly fully asleep when a banging at my door woke me. I groan and turn over. If it was something super important, they would've contacted me by phone as well and my phone hadn't gone off. The pounding continued, however. Whoever was at my door was refusing to leave. I groan in anger and finally get myself up.

"What?" I say opening the door tiredly, half awake. I open my eyes in shock and scream. I hurriedly close the door, but they put their foot in the door before I could close it. I keep banging the door on their foot trying to close it.

"Please, just leave me alone," I beg them, "don't come near me".

"Are you the one that's called the police on me," Daeseong asks angrily, "they forced you didn't they".

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