Chapter 62- The Return of Superman

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November 3rd, 2016:

We had done Mnet MCountdown in the morning, and while the performance itself had been uneventful, the picture-taking outside had definitely been. We had walked up as usual and lined up for our fans and paparazzi to take pictures as usual. Roughly 20 seconds after we had been posing, an egg was thrown my way, but missing by miles, and landed on the pavement instead.

"Wh0re!" the person that had thrown the egg shouted.

The boys all looked towards me concerned and Yoongi quickly acted and told us to go inside, but the anger in me from the man's actions couldn't let him have the last words. How did me being a supposed wh0re have anything to do with his life? Why was he so worked up by the thought I was sleeping around, or "liked it rough"? Even though everything he believed was a lie, it still boiled down to his ingrained misogyny and sexism. I was tired of being this submissive target of insults.

"You missed! Be a man and put your back into it next time," I shouted back. I then threw up a peace sign and allowed Yoongi to usher me through the door.

Sejin had not been impressed. He stated, quite rightly, that my actions and words might instigate more petty attacks, but I had been fed up with constantly ignoring them and seeming like a quiet, hurt little girl. The boys, while finding my clap back funny, did agree with Sejin and pleaded for me not to do it again. I didn't promise anything but understood how what I said might have enlarged the target on my back.


 I was shooting The Return of Superman in the afternoon. The theme for that episode was that some of the kids were learning how to be idols, and I was to lead a group of them. I had tried to get out of this schedule given I was one of the most awkward people around children, but Sejin had said they had asked for me specifically and it was good publicity for me considering my name didn't have the best reputation after the court case. I was tasked with taking care of Lee Dongkook's kids: Seolah, Sooah, and Sian. We would be meeting another group of kids later in the day to compete on what performance they had learned. I felt completely out of my element.

"Can I come to visit?" Taehyung asked as I put my mic on for the show.

"Please," I beg him, "I'm out of my depth. I don't know how to deal with kids".

"Just go along with whatever they do," Taehyung smiles as I go into one of the dance studios where we would be starting the shoot.

I was told to rehearse dancing, so it looked like I was working when the kids came in. I just danced to 21st Century Girls until the kids and their dad knocked on the door and came in. I turn around smiling.

"Hi," Dongkook smiled, shepherding the kids in.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," I bow.

"You too," he bows in return, "this is our first time in an idol company. It's so cool".

"Oh, yes, thank you," I blush.

"Kids, come introduce yourselves!" Dongkook shouted, getting his kids' attention away from the mirror. They ran over and introduced themselves.

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