Chapter 4- Nose Job

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January 18th, 2016:

I was sitting out of all our schedules given I was in no fit state to dance, and I probably didn't really look that appealing either. The boys were currently shooting ISAC while I was back at the hospital for a checkup before finalising my surgery date.

I had called all my family and friends to update them and ensure them I was ok obviously. Jieun (IU) had even sent flowers to my dorm yesterday. Timothée was really worried. It was funny because I expected my dad to be the most worried, and he was, but he seemed used to me being injured again and trusted me to get it fixed.

I had done some more x-rays and the doctor had said I would need surgery, to no one's surprise. They had directed me to a plastic surgeon, and they had managed to fit me in for a consultation today. I was in the waiting room of the plastic surgery with Yoona and my name was finally called. I walked into the doctor's office alone given I was now a legal adult that didn't need a guardian by my side.

"Ms. Fortin-Lee," the doctor says with surprisingly no issue. They notice my slight surprise and chuckle, "I studied in the United States".

"Oh, I see," I say smiling that I had made my surprised face so obvious.

"So, looking at your x-rays and just seeing how it looks in person, you definitely need to have surgery done," they say looking down at the x-rays, "now the question is, do you want your old nose back or a new nose".

"A new one," I say without hesitation, "if that's possible," I add trying to save face.

"We can totally do that. We just have to discuss exactly what you want," the doctor nods. They then pull up a picture of me from Melon and discuss a few different options they could do. I finally settle on a slimmer, less bulbous option. It was the option closest to my old nose without being ugly.

"Great, now that's figured out," the doctor smiles, "my next available appointment would be the..." they scanned their calendar pensively, "given you're an idol... I can fit you in on the 21st?"

"That works," I say, not being too sure honestly, but I felt me getting my nose fixed was a priority for the company so they would make any day work.

They give me a piece of paper to give to their receptionist who would finalise the appointment and I bow and leave. Once everything had been sorted out, I went to the company with Yoona. I felt useless and still slightly paranoid about being alone in my apartment so I spent most of my time at the company if I wasn't at school.

"I have some news for you," Yoona says as we drove back.

"Yeah?" I turn to her curiously.

"Sejin oppa called me while you were with the doctor," she says cautiously, "and he's gotten a call from the police... about the camera..."

"Yeah? What did they say?" I ask expectantly, wishing so much for some good news finally. I was honestly very surprised by how well I had been taking these few weeks given how sh*tty they had been. Sure, I had gotten really low at times, but it hadn't lasted too long. It seemed my walks and journal writing were working again. The recording of some of my songs probably helped too, I felt like I was getting stuff done and being productive.

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