Chapter 13- Middle East Visit #2

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*Talks of sex and masturbation*

Underlined = English

March 25th, 2016:

I'm woken up by the third alarm I had set and slowly get out of bed to shower and do my morning routine. I go pick up breakfast in Yoona's room in my pajama shorts and sports bra, thinking it was ok since it was Yoona, it was early, and I didn't expect anyone to be roaming the halls. Additionally, most of the stylists and the boys had seen me like this before so it wasn't that big a deal.

"Morning," I mumble picking up a yogurt and coffee from Yoona's desk.

"Morning," Yoona smiles, "ready to discover Dubai today?"

"How are you a morning person," I yawn, "I've been up for like 30 minutes and I'm still not ready for a conversation".

"Message received," Yoona laughs, "go eat your breakfast in solitude you gremlin".

I give her a small smile and head back off to my room. I nod towards Yoongi who passed me on his way to Yoona's room, but I honestly wasn't sure he noticed given he was just as not a morning person as I was.

10 minutes later, a stylist dropped my clothes off for the day: striped wide flowy pants with a bow, sandals, and a white blouse. I then went to the suite to get my makeup and hair done. After my hair had been curled slightly, I was handed a wide-brimmed straw hat to finish the look.

30 minutes later we were now all seated in the suite living room waiting to see what they wanted us to do.

"So today, you will be buying something for another member," the director explains, "we've set up 8 different pouches in the bedroom and one at a time each of you will go and pick one at random. You won't know who has who".

"Sounds good," Hoseok nodded, "who wants to go first?"

"I'll go first," Yoongi quickly gets up and heads to the room.

I won the ensuing rock, paper, scissor game and went second.

"Oh wow," I say spotting the bags on the table, "they're all so nice".

"Pick whichever one you want," the director nodded.

"Umm... I think I'll take this one," I pick up a beaded blue one with a string, "it matches my outfit".

I open the pouch and see a yellow paper. I take it out and open it so the camera would see the name at the same time as me. It read Rap Monster.

"Oh, I don't think it'll be too hard. He's probably one of the easier members," I smile.

I give the director the yellow paper and go wait with the boys for all of us to pick out a name.

"Hey, who do you have?" Taehyung whispers as we walked to the vans.

"Who do you have?" I ask him in return.

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