Chapter 28- Mobbed

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June 8th, 2016:

I had gone to the doctor's yesterday for the second time since we came back from Europe to try and figure out what had happened with my period. They thought I could have endometriosis, but I didn't have all the common symptoms and I had gone to take ultrasounds yesterday so doctors could make a more conclusive diagnosis. I hated going to the doctor and dreaded the thought of having to go more times over the coming months. However, Yoona wasn't going to let me not go and was going to be dragging me to the appointments by my ear whether I wanted to or not.

We were getting off our flight to Taipei, Taiwan for a concert. Sejin, who had gone ahead to check security, was rushing back to us.

"There are a lot of fans... a huge amount," he says, looking worried.

"Ok? Is there security?" Namjoon asks.

"Not nearly enough," Sejin shakes his head angrily.

"Do we wait?" Seokjin questions.

"No, they'll stay until you come out," Sejin says, massaging his brow trying to think, "and there's no other exit for you guys... we'll just have to fight our way through. Hopefully they'll be respectful".

We walk closer to the doors leading to the main exit after the luggage pick-up area and see a sea of people. I had never seen a larger crowd waiting for us. It was a moment of both pride and utmost fear.

"Stick together, the farther apart you get, the harder it will be for us to protect you," Sejin instructs, "and never stop. Just keep pushing through".

All the managers dispersed themselves between us so that at least one manager could be responsible for one or two members. Taehyung was first, followed by Hoseok and Seokjin. Yoongi was behind Seokjin with Jimin closely behind. Namjoon had put me in front of him, putting me in behind Jungkook. I grab my bag, bringing it to my front so that I could protect it better.

As soon as we stepped out, a wave of people surrounded us. Cameras and phones were crammed in our faces, and I couldn't help but look down to protect my face from the flying objects and hands. People were jostling us about as we stepped forward very slowly through the mass of people.

I instinctively grab Jungkook's hand, but the pressure from fans made me just as quickly lose it. The managers were trying to push fans aside, but they were too strong and fighting back to get pictures and physical contact. I was starting to get really scared. I had lost sight of Jungkook and with all the jostling, Namjoon and the last manager had somehow gone past me. I suddenly felt a blow to my gut and fall back. Someone had probably elbowed me, hopefully by accident. As I take a single second to catch my breath on the ground, my hand got trodden on. I yelp in pain, bringing my hand closer to myself as I tried to stand up. However, fans had realised who I was and were now crowding with their cameras and phones. Everything was just loud noise and scary faces now. I was panicking. I wasn't enjoying the grabbing and prodding in areas that really shouldn't be touched by others. Whether it was intentional or not, it wasn't comfortable. I fight my way up and try to keep fighting forward by myself.

"Where's Y/N?!" I hear a shout over the commotion from fans. I hear more cries of my name, but they get muffled by the fans beside me who were shouting my name as well.

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