Chapter 16- Death to Tintin and Bobépine

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April 22nd, 2016:

Big Hit had released a statement yesterday after the release of the Dispatch article saying they were filing a lawsuit against the employee and saying they wouldn't tolerate anyone defaming their idols. However today, this story was still blowing up. Someone had compiled videos and pictures of me acting "badly" toward fans and the video was blowing up as proof of the article. The video mostly just showed snippets of performances and fan signs where I simply just wasn't smiling and had my resting b*tch face which made me look upset. Another person tweeted that they had noticed in the last few fan signs I was separating the stuffies from other boxes and apparently seen the boxes taken to separate vans and they wrongly deduced I was throwing out the stuffed animals.

I had scheduled a V-live for today before the whole scandal started and now the company were unsure whether I should. They thought it was best for me to just wait out the storm before doing anything otherwise I might get a bigger onslaught of criticism. I thought otherwise, however. I felt I needed to be connected with ARMY more than ever. I also secretly wanted to explain my side to them somehow. So, I was now in an empty recording studio in the new Big Hit building late in the day with Yoona sitting to the side.

"Hello everyone!" I wave to the phone, "I'll just wait for more people to come in, maybe wait a minute or two".

I watch comments fly by. There was a mix of support and criticism as was to be expected. I tried not to read the negative ones, but some were quite drastic like telling me to kill myself or how they wished I would get injured or die.

"Okay, we have a few more people in," I smile, "welcome to my V-live! I haven't done a lot of these by myself so I thought I should do some more.... So here I am," I laugh awkwardly still finding doing these alone a little strange.

I look over at Yoona and she nods her head encouragingly, telling me to go on.

"We've been working hard for the comeback. We're perfecting things now and it's looking really good. I'm excited to see what ARMY will think, I hope you guys like it," I say hoping to take the comments away from the scandal.

As I look at the comments, a lot had changed to ask about the comeback, but several remained on the Dispatch article. They said things like "I'll only like the comeback if you're not in it" and a few death threats. I stare at one persistent commenter, fightergirl68, who kept commenting various death threats and hate comments. Yoona coughs slightly and I come out of my staring.

"I don't want to spoil anything..." I go back to talking of the comeback, "but I can say that practice has us burning up a lot. The mirrors have been becoming all fogged up even with the new modern practice room were in... oh wait, you guys haven't seen the new building yet, right? It's a really nice place, quite modern. It's also nice to have everything in one consolidated place. I'm sure the trainees and staff like it too, the locker-room is much nicer and all the staff have like their own cubicles and larger spaces to work. We also have a lounge now!" I say excitedly, "Rap Monster, J-hope, and Suga oppa also have their own personalised studios. I know they're super happy about that".

Once again, there were comments that wrote "why was I lying about caring about the staff" or that I should "stop the acting". As expected, fightergirl68 continued with her negative comments. I sigh. I had hoped most of the comments would have died down if I kept talking about other stuff.

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