Chapter 6- Comfort and Embarrassment

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Author's Note at the End :)

Underlined = English

February 11th, 2016:

As I logged onto Twitter in the morning, my feed was flooded with drawings of the group. At first, I was confused but quickly realized that ARMY were already following through with my request from yesterday's V-live. The hashtags #Y/NasksARMYdeliver and #BTSdrawing were trending on Kpop Twitter. I spent some time scrolling through the pictures of drawings. There were some truly amazingly talented ARMYs. It was also strange to think that one small comment by me had enacted such a large response.

As I scrolled, SinB texted me.

SinB: You're a host for After School Club!

I looked at her text for a few seconds before remembering that I was going to be. I had been told in one of the many meetings I had had while my nose was getting fixed. I had been so down and depressed during that time that I barely listened in those meetings.

Y/N: Oh, yeah

Y/N: I am lol

SinB: Why didn't you tell us!!

Y/N: I honestly forgot...

Y/N: At the time I wasn't really paying attention during those meetings

SinB: Are you a regular host?

Y/N: No, I'll be doing it once in a while

SinB: Well, you're doing it when we're there!

I got very excited now. I hadn't been told who the guests would be, just the dates. And I was certain of this since if they had told me it was Gfriend I was hosting for I would have for sure remembered and told them about it.


Y/N: I didn't know!

Y/N: Can't wait to reveal all your trainee life secrets 😆

SinB: Omg no 😖

SinB: Then I better get my own stories abt you prepared

Y/N: Hahahaha

Y/N: Let the story battle begin

Y/N: I'll make sure to memorise your dance ❤️

Y/N: You guys are a big deal now with all your wins... gotta impress your fans

SinB: 😂

SinB: How are you otherwise? Glad to be back?

Y/N: 100%

Y/N: It's nice to be useful lol, but haven't performed yet... so we'll see how that goes

SinB: Good, I was getting worried

SinB: And you'll do great, you always do

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