Chapter 53- Believe the Lies

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October 14th, 2016:

While the boys had gone back to the studio to continue perfecting our performance given the tiny comfort errors we made in the real performance, I went to Yoona's apartment last night. I had been dead tired. I honestly could barely walk by myself. The heels, the dance, the emotional toll, it was exhaustion I had never felt before. I needed all the sleep I could get to be able to perform and participate in all comeback schedules the rest of the week successfully. Due to just how tired I was, I slept peacefully for the first time in a long. I had 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep until Daeseong slowly crept his way into my mind, and I woke up abruptly, looking around to make sure he really had just been in my mind. I wasn't able to go back to sleep afterward.

We were now backstage at the first fan sign of the comeback. We had performed at KBS in the morning, and I was tired once more. Not as much as yesterday, but I was definitely not energized.

"Y/N," I hear Sejin say, as I was resting my head back on the couch with my eyes closed.

I open my eyes and look up questioningly.

"I need to speak with you," he says, gesturing for me to follow him.

I get up confused and follow him to the empty hall.

"So, there's been an update with Daeseong," Sejin sighs, rubbing his forehead roughly.

"Okay..." I say, feeling like I wasn't going to like what he was going to say.

"He's rejected the deal, even after they found your stuff in his apartment," Sejin huffs angrily, "this will go to court. A date will be set sometime in the next couple of weeks. This will be a long process. Bureaucracy is slow and court hearings usually only last up to 3-4 hours per day making the whole process longer. This will be long, I just wanna be sure you're aware of that and want to keep going".

I look away from him for a few seconds. I really wanted to punch the wall, but I just balled up my hands in anger instead.

"I'm not going to let myself be the only one suffering from his actions," I say through gritted teeth, "we should talk about it with the group, but I don't want to drop it".

"If you don't want to, then we won't," Sejin nods, "I'll tell the legal team it's a go... you're so strong Y/N ".

Sejin looks at me sadly and hugs me

"I'm so strong," I repeat, under my breath, thinking about what that would mean for me in the future.

"Just... just keep me in the loop," he says letting go of the hug,  "I know you're going to be stressed and you're going to shut down and block us all out, but please don't. We want to support you".

"I'll try," I say, not looking him in the eye and going back to the lounge room.

"Everything good?" Jungkook whispers as I let myself lie down on his and Seokjin's, who had taken my spot on the couch, knees.

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