Chapter 81- Shrek

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Author's Note at the End :)

December 31st, 2016:

Hwasa turned out to be right, we were indeed trending. The overwhelming attention was mostly positive. However, there were some that found it interesting I chose to sing a song about being a dangerous woman, after denying I was one in court per se. Some felt it was funny and it was me shooting back at Daeseong and the lawyer, while some felt it was me saying I got away with putting an innocent man behind bars. It was a little annoying that no matter what, things seemed to go back to that. I hadn't even thought of it like that, no one had in the process of organising it, and yet someone watching did, and it caught on with others. Yes, I thought everything through when it came to my lyrics, but not every single detail of my life and performance. Sometimes I did just do things for fun, not everything had to have hidden meanings.

Ignoring those comments, people were loving the friendship group and compiling videos of us giving each other attention and the like. They had dubbed us 'The Spice Girls' of Korea, however the name was contentious as some wanted us to have our own original group name. I desperately wanted to spill our self-titled group name, bad b*tches, but given the expletive, we all thought it'd be wise to keep it secret for now. Maybe later one of us would "accidentally" let it slip...

We had now just finished performing our own last performance at MBC Gayo Daejun. We had done covers of Rainism and As I Told You earlier in the show. Twice and EXO were the remaining performances, so we stayed backstage to wait before having to go out for the countdown to the new year. Since this was outside, and I was still in my usual outfit for these performances, ie. my shorts, I was absolutely frozen. Yoona had given me a padded jacket, but I would have to take it off when we went on stage with the other idols to keep "the look". I knew I wasn't the only one that was going to have to freeze to death, nearly all girl groups had this problem and it annoyed me to no end. EXO finally finished and we were all guided to where we were to stand for the countdown. We were placed next to Red Velvet on our right and SHINee on our left. Jimin made a point to stand on the side next to SHINee. He and Seulgi hadn't necessarily ended on a sour note, but they weren't friends either.

I couldn't help but jump around, moving my legs and arms to try and stay warm. Taehyung noticed and wrapped me in a large back hug, placing his jacket so I was sort of in it. Jungkook then joined to sandwich me from the front. It wasn't the most comfortable, given my face was now planted on Jungkook's chest, but it was warmer.

"You guys are going to suffocate her," Hosoek laughed.

"At least we won't be blamed for her being cold," Jungkook laughed in response.

"We're going to be interviewed soon," Namjoon muttered, "leave it for a bit".

They both set me free just in time. Joy had just gotten the green light and started to interview us. I stood to the left side and Jonghyun nudged me and pointed to his thick jacket as if offering it. I quickly put my hands out refusing, he would be cold then. He tried one more time before letting it go and throwing me a thumbs up which I return smiling.

"How much longer?" I mutter to Jimin as the interview ended.

"Just a few minutes I'd guess," he replies, hugging me tightly.

He lets go quickly and spins around to look at the sky as fireworks go up.

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