Chapter 78- Are They Right?

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December 24th, 2016:

We had performed Baepsae and Fire for the KBS Christmas music bank on the 23rd and Blood, Sweat, and Tears on MBC today. We had just finished performing Jingle Bells with all groups also performing at the MBC Christmas music core and we were slowly filing off stage. I was chatting with Eunha and SinB as we slowly walked down the stairs. I could hear Jimin, Taemin, and Jongin chatting and joking around behind me. I still hadn't talked to him since that drunken night and largely had no interest to, but a little part of me wanted to confront him about it, tell him off. I had told Eunha and SinB when we had gone to dinner as the group of girls after a rehearsal. All the others had left, and it had just been the three of us. These were my best friends, my girls, I kept nothing from them. However, in terms of advice, they weren't a great help this time. Eunha thought I should forget about him and move on. SinB thought I should talk to him and let him know everything he had caused and let him know how mad I was because of it.

We get to their dressing room, and we bid each other Merry Christmas and goodbye hugs. SinB hands me my gift, as we had once again the trio gift lottery (so I got Eunha a gift, SinB got me one,  and Eunha got one for SinB). All groups wanted to leave soon to get back to their dorms and celebrate Christmas with their families or group members so the hallways were already emptying.

As I turn to go to my changing room, Jimin, Taemin, and Jongin walked past.

"Y/N," Taemin smiled, bowing slightly, "we haven't seen each other in a while, how are you?"

"I'm good," I bow back, wishing they hadn't seen me, "how about you? You did a great performance today".

"Thanks, it's going well," he nods, he eyes me, probably realising that Jongin and I were both actively not looking at each other, "sorry about Tim by the way".

I shoot a look at Jimin who grimaces slightly.

"They asked how the visit went," Jimin answers my look innocently.

I couldn't get mad at Jimin, in itself, him telling them was nothing major. In a way, they were my friends too. On top of that, Jimin didn't know what Jongin did. Unless Jongin told him, which I highly doubted he would. I knew, and Jongin knew, that if he found out Jimin would be beyond pissed. Jimin was very good friends with Jongin, but he was my brother, my very protective brother. Jimin would never forgive Jongin for what he did, and the consequences his actions made. I knew anything or anyone that hurt anyone in the group, Jimin would turn on them in the bat of an eye. On top of that, however, I knew he would feel betrayed that I didn't tell him. Really, all the members who didn't know, ie everyone but Namjoon and Jungkook, would feel a little sad I didn't trust to tell them.

We walked back in silence, the awkwardness and tension palpable.

"Hey, Y/N, can I talk to you for a second?" Jongin finally speaks up just as we were getting to the BTS dressing room.

"Uh, no, I think we're trying to get back pretty fast," I turn him down, giving him a fake smile.

"No, it's okay. We don't have to be home this second," Jimin chuckles, "we'll wait a few minutes, don't worry".

I give Taemin a look for help, but he avoided my eyes.

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