Chapter 51- Bubble Wrap

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October 8th, 2016:

I was back at Yoona's apartment after my long and arduous therapy meeting in the morning. I had tried really hard to be as truthful as I felt was safe for the therapist to give a believable report, but not enough to tell them I couldn't do the comeback. I wasn't sure if I could or not honestly, but I didn't want to risk it.

Hoseok's sister had dropped by and stayed with me while Yoona was at the company. I liked her company, she was kind, smart, funny, and witty, all the makings of a great conversation maker, but she reminded me so much of Hoseok and I couldn't help but keep missing them. This was probably the longest I had gone without seeing one of them since our debut, it felt strange.

Yoona had come back to have lunch with me, and I was getting fed up with being cooped up in her apartment.

"Can I leave, go to the company," I ask, looking at her with doe eyes, "please?"

"Y/N, I know you weren't being fully truthful with your therapist," she gives me a look, "how can I trust you're ready?"

"You guys need to stop trying to protect me so much," I huff upset, "if I freak out then that's on me. I'll take full responsibility, but I want to see the boys. I can't stay here for the rest of my life".

"We're just looking out for you Y/N. We want the best for you," Yoona says, placing some vegetables in front of me.

"I know that, and I appreciate that," I say, giving the vegetables a look, "but don't you think I'd look out for myself too?"

"...Fine. You can go tonight, when most of the staff are gone," Yoona gives in, "but if you were really looking out for yourself, you wouldn't have lied Y/N".

"I'm doing that comeback," I state determinedly, "I'm not letting that... that person, make me miss it".


I walked into our dance studio while the boys were mid-choreography. Seokjin is the first to see me. I had made sure to cover all the physical marks from the altercation. I didn't want to scare them.

"Y/N," he says smiling, making all the others turn to the door as well. Hoseok goes to turn the music off quickly.

Jungkook and Jimin take a few steps but stop. Namjoon holding on to Jimin's arm before he could get farther and Jungkook picking up on the interaction stopped as well. They all looked at me unsure of how to act.

"How... how are you?" Taehyung asks hesitantly, playing with his hands nervously.

"I missed you guys," I say, walking towards them but now feeling extremely awkward that they were just standing there weirdly, "don't worry. I... I trust you guys".

"You sure?" Namjoon asks, "we don't want to make you uncomfortable... we know how sometimes even family members can be um... well... off-putting".

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