Chapter 74- The Meeting

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November 21st, 2016:

It was the fateful day. I hadn't been able to eat any breakfast and I hadn't spoken a word to anyone all morning. I had dressed very conservatively not only to be professional, but also for some sense of protection. I didn't want to give Daeseong any type of pretext to do anything. The boys, especially Yoongi, had been insistent on coming with me. There was some remaining tension between me and the boys since the argument yesterday, but we were all trying to ignore it and move on. It was just hard to come to terms with what was happening now and if I was honest, I wanted to address ARMY and try to control how crazily this article was moving.

Nevertheless, the lawyers were vehemently against them coming. They were worried any deviation from the agreement would make Daeseong walk away from it and potentially make things more complicated. So, I was now walking up to their office with only Yoona behind me after being dropped off by Sejin.

"Okay, so he's already here," Sarah turned to me smiling supportively, "everyone's also already inside. So, whenever you're ready".

She puts her hand on the door handle, but Yoona puts her hand out to tell her to wait.

"Stay well away from him, okay," she says, placing her two hands on my shoulders, squeezing slightly, "and don't take anything he says seriously. Remember, he's going to jail either way, he's the bad guy".

I nod slightly, biting my lip nervously. It was only ten minutes. Ten minutes and then I would never have to look at him again.

"Ready?" Sarah asks. I nod and she opens the door letting me in.

I walked in nervously and immediately get a layout of the conference room. Daeseong and his smug lawyer were sitting at the other end of the long eight-seat table. My lawyer was sitting on the chair near the door on the opposite side.

"Oh, Y/N," my lawyer says upon seeing me, "come sit".

He stands up and pulls the chair next to him out for me to sit in. I thank him quietly and sit down. An awkward, tense silence falls around us.

"It was your client that wanted to talk," my lawyer finally says sternly, "your time is running".

"I just wanted to look at her in person one more time," Daeseong speaks up, sending chills down my spine, "I've accepted my fate, it's what she wants for me... but it still saddens me she continues to not see what she's done to me. I love you Y/N and you are responsible for that".

I shot him a glance when he started talking, but otherwise looked everywhere but him. Nor did I want to give his comment an answer. I was just counting down the seconds till I could leave.

"LOOK AT ME!" he shouted, slamming his hands on the desk and standing up.

To say I jumped out of my skin would be an understatement. The sheer force of his scream made me look his way. He was seething, his eyes bulging as his lawyer tried to get him to sit down again. He was shaking out of anger, and I was shaking out of fear. I was picking at my fingers so much I could feel one start to bleed.

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