Chapter 34- Distrust

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Underlined + Italicised = French

July 31st, 2016:

We were in LA for KCon. We had just finished our performance and I was walking to my single dressing room farther down the hall past nearly all of the other performers'. Amber was the nearest dressing and when I peeked in to say hi, she wasn't there.

I got to my dressing room and closed the door. As I was changing behind a divider, I hear the door open and close. I take no notice, thinking it was probably Yoona, and go about quickly organising the clothes I had just taken off, so it was easier for the stylists to pack. I then come out from behind the dividers and see Daeseong rummaging through a bag. My bag.

"What are you doing?" I ask harshly.

He looks up surprised and drops the bag.

"I... I... uh... I was looking for my comb," he says, his eyes shaking.

"And why would your comb be in my bag," I question, crossing my arms unimpressed.

"Well... I... I thought it was my bag," he states, standing up straighter to obviously seem more confident.

"Last time I checked you didn't carry around a red Chanel Boston bag?" I raise my eyebrow; upset he was lying even more now, "what were you actually doing?"

"I... uh... um... I thought maybe you had... um... taken it," he smiles sheepishly.

"Then why didn't you just ask me?" I say hurt, but also not completely buying the story, "and I would never take your items. I know how much time stylists spend on finding the material that works for them".

"I well, you're... you're just," he stutters, but the door opens and saves him from answering.

"Y/N? The KCon staff need you for a video," Yoona says, looking at me, "Daeseong, they've been looking for you. They need you to go help pack up".

He nods and quickly rushes off.

"He makes me uncomfortable, Daeseong," I mutter to Yoona as we walked to the filming location.

"What? Why? He seems harmless to me," Yoona looks at me surprised.

"I don't know, I can't quite put my finger on it," I frown, trying to think if he'd done anything in particular to warrant my feelings, "he just seems so jumpy, and he always takes forever with my hair".

"He just wants it to be perfect," Yoona shrugs, "and not everyone is going to be as confident as you Y/N".

I chuckle and focus my attention on the KCon staff that had come to greet us.


I was in my hotel room with SinB and Eunha who were also here for KCon.

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