Chapter 33- This Seems Familiar

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Underlined = English

July 20th, 2016:

We had rehearsed longer than I thought we would the night of the release of the first Bon Voyage episode, and I had texted Heeyoung that we would probably have to reschedule. She insisted it was alright but, I knew we wouldn't end any time soon and told her we'd have to reschedule. However, it had been over two weeks and we had been touring and rehearsing so much it was impossible for me to go to school, let alone meet up with her. I felt horrible for getting her hopes up and then constantly reneging on that hope, but our schedule was so busy with the upcoming comeback.

We had just finished a Star1 magazine interview. It was still strange being asked questions like "Since 'HYYH' received a lot of love, I think you'd be bittersweet to send it away. As you guys grow into a group that holds a strong influence globally, your sense of responsibility also increases and could make you feel conceited? How do you feel about that?" and "Do you feel pressured to release an album that must surpass 'HYYH'?"

In my mind, we were still struggling artists. I could see it in the company's headquarters, our food allowances, the number of stylists we had, and, of course, my paycheck. And yet, to the world, it seemed like we had finally made it.

Just as we're getting up to leave the interview, the interviewer speaks up.

"Y/N, would you mind answering one more question?" they ask, looking at the managers cautiously.

I also look at them to see if it was alright. Sejin nods.

"Yes, of course," I smile.

"Great, thank you," they smile back, putting their hands over their keyboard again, "well, Y/N, you are the only girl in the group. Now I'm sure you've been asked a hundred times about what it's like, but I want to know whether you ever feel pressure because of it. You have been known to be a feminist, with your Rosy the Riveter homage and Girl on Fire cover, is it a result of your group membership? You know, since you might experience things differently?"

"I... uh..." I pause to think, not expecting such a question, "I don't necessarily think I am because I'm in BTS. I think it's because we live in an unjust society–"

Sejin coughs loudly and I look toward him. I frown. We could talk trash about the school system, but not the patriarchy. Proved my point really.

"... I think I've always been... uh... a supporter of women," I say, actively avoiding the word feminist, "my mother, sister, and dad, all believe in that, so it's not something the group has caused. It just so happens that I am growing into the woman I am with Bangtan. I have to say though, a lot of my opinions are a result of my experiences while becoming an adult here in Korea. And the group and the company fully support me in them," I add, shooting Sejin an angry glare.

"I see," the interviewer nods, not seeing my glare as they typed, "thank you for that honest answer".

"Of course, thank you," I bow and turn to go join the boys who were waiting to go rehearse.

"I think we can expect Sejin hyung to come talk to you soon," Yoongi chuckles.

"Yeah, well, he proved my point really," I huff.

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