Chapter 69- Stubbornness

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November 17th, 2023:

"Y/N, do you not want to do this?" Timothée asks again, more sternly.

I open and close my mouth, not knowing how to answer. I was confused, and frankly, I was so very tired.

"Right... I see I'm just dragging a dead horse at this point," he says, standing up and running his hand through his hair angrily.

"Don't call it that," I say, now hurt he would call our relationship something sounding so gruesome.

"Then what am I supposed to call it," he snapped back.

"Our relationship," I counter upset, "Timothée, if I'm being honest, I'm just so tired. I'm overwhelmed and I want to go to bed".

While yes, of course, I was tired, I also wanted to just not get into it now. I wanted to be able to get some advice before I said anything concrete. I didn't want any regrets.

"Fine," Timothée says shortly, "yeah, I get it. A lot happened today. I'll let you sleep... yeah... right... well..."

He walks up to me, looks down at me for a couple of seconds, kisses my forehead more gently than expected, and goes to the entrance.

"Sleep tight," he says as he put his shoes on, "there's fruit and stuff for an omelet in the fridge if you want for breakfast tomorrow".

"Right, thanks," I say softly, getting even more emotional at how Timothée was leaving. I couldn't exactly describe the feeling, but it felt like this was it. There was no coming back from this point. I had officially f*cked this up.

He looks back before closing the door. He opens his mouth, pauses, and finally speaks. He says a page number.

"What?" I say confused.

"I know you finished the book, just go check out that page," he says, "... yeah..."

"Timothée..." I call out before he could fully close the door, "... I... I'm sorry... I do love you".

I couldn't see him fully since the door was partially closed, but I could see him hesitate.

"I love you too," he finally says back, his voice nearly cracking.

Then, the door closed shut. I look around lost. I finally go to get the book I knew he was talking about. It was the book we had said we would read in one month and then talk about it, but given everything that happened, we never got around to it: Waiting for Godot.

I skim the page and then see what he was most likely talking about:

"Estragon: Don't touch me! Don't question me! Don't speak to me! Stay with me!

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