Chapter 17- Children and Broody Teenagers

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Author's Note at the End :)

Underlined = English

Underlined + Italicised = French

April 23rd, 2016:
I was back in my dorm backing for Bon Voyage. The boys would be filmed packing tomorrow, but we would be filming at their dorm, so I had to be ready to go. I was given a camera to film my process, however.

"And that's pretty much it," I smile to the camera in my hand after showing my suitcase, "I've always been a light packer but now I've packed a bit more because the weather looks like it's a bit unpredictable... hopefully it'll be ok. Just gonna add the sunglasses and beanie on the counter there and that's it," I show the counter and turn back to myself.

I smile and wave before stopping the recording. I go brush my teeth and shower. Once I was back in the main room, I see my phone lighting up. Jongin had texted me a meme and Timothée had called.

Y/N: You called?

Y/N: I think I'm gonna go to bed, tomorrow's gonna be a busy day

Y/N: Japan, then comeback preparations

Timothée: Ok, just thought I'd check up on you

Timothée: Sleep well ❤️

Y/N: Thx, luv u ❤️

I responded to Jongin and then went to sleep to try and get a rare almost five hours of sleep.


April 24th, 2016:

I woke up early since we were leaving for the airport to get on the first flight to Japan of the day.

As we drove to the airport, my dad facetimed me.

"Hello?" I pick up, a little confused since he rarely called in the morning while I was out.

"Hi," he waves smiling, "thought I should call since I know you're going to be super busy this week. We just finished supper".

He turns the camera and shows the dinner table with the mostly empty plates.

"Y/N!" Anne beams.

"Hi," I wave chuckling, "hey Mathieu".

Mathieu peaks back into the frame and waves.

"So how are you?" my dad asks, turning the camera back to him, "S/N has been helping me navigate this whole article blow-up thing".

"Yeah..." I sigh, "I'm ok. I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt... but I just have to deal with it right. There's no way I can make everyone happy as Namjoon oppa says".

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