Chapter 45- All Over Again

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! Disclaimer -> Sexual Assault !

September 14th, 2016:

I throw the door open unceremoniously and let out a small gasp at who was standing on the other side.

"Bang PDnim..." I say surprised, "what... what are you doing here?"

"I thought we'd benefit from a drive. Just the two of us," he smiles a fatherly smile.

"Uh, yes, of course," I smile back.

I follow him to his car and rush to go open the door for him.

"No, no," he laughs, "we don't need any of that. Relax".

He pats my head and opens my door instead. He then gets in and starts the car whistling.

"Maybe I should let you drive one day," he chuckles, "I heard you've gotten your license, but I'm sure you don't get the chance to drive much".

"Yes, you're right," I chuckle, "that'd be fun".

I knew he told me to relax, but I had spent so little quality time with him, it was hard. He was my boss and I only saw him like that. I knew he spent more time with the boys, and it hurt to know that. But now he was making an effort with me, it was so hard for me to get comfortable.

"I know this must have caught you by surprise," he says, looking at me tentatively, "but I feel like I've been negligent toward you. I want to fix that".

"No, of course you haven't," I lie, not really knowing what to say.

"Stop being so polite," he laughs, "it's so strange, I've only had you in my office due to your outgoing and brash nature. Seeing all docile now is unnerving".

"I'm sorry, I'm just so surprised," I blush.

"So, how is your grandfather? Is he doing well?" Bang PD asks, obviously trying to find a topic about my life to talk about.

"Umm, yes. He's a bit lonely, but I think he's found a friend in Taehyung oppa's grandfather," I answer.

"Yes," he nods, "grief. It has this strange bonding effect over people sometimes. My family came much closer after my parent's death".

"Oh, I didn't know. I'm sorry," I say hurriedly, surprised by the sudden information.

"Thank you," he smiles, "but they were aging, they had lived life to the fullest. And, how does it go? Those that die never really leave you? I'm sure you can attest to that".

"Yes, I can," I nod sadly.

The car goes silent for a couple of minutes. I look out the window as the city was in full morning rush.

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