Chapter 30- Puh-lease

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Note: Underlines and italicized words don't denote a language in this chapter

June 11th, 2016:

Jongin had texted back the next day apologising if the texts disturbed me, told me to ignore the texts, forget they were ever sent, and never bring them up again. I laughed at him for sending such stupid, drunk texts and then did as told.

I was meeting up with Jeonghwa, Eunha, and SinB at a Korean barbecue place for dinner. It had been a while since we had met up in person and we had finally all made time in our busy schedules to get together.

"And there's the woman of the hour!" I shout when I see Jeonghwa near our table.

"Oh, shut up," she blushes.

"Congrats on your wins," SinB hugs her.

Eunha and I stand up and hug her as well.

"Oh my gosh," Jeonghwa sighs sitting down, "it's been too long girls".

"Way too long," I nod.

"We're all too busy being successful," SinB says, breaking out in a laugh afterward.

"Oh my gosh, that's right! Aren't you two getting your own season on Showtime?" Jeonghwa gasps excitedly.

"Well, it's with Mamamoo," Eunha smiles, "but yeah".

"Have you guys filmed anything yet?" I ask.

"No not yet, but we've met up and done all the meetings and stuff," SinB answered.

"I had fun filming it,' Jeonghwa says, "and the fans loved it".

"Oh, right! You've filmed it before," SinB says happily, "you have to give us all the tricks".

Jeonghwa fills Eunha and SinB on her experience filming the show after we ordered. I sat back and watched my friends talk and laugh. It was nice to finally be with them again, it had been such a long time since I'd had female company to just have fun with.

"And what about you?" Eunha turns to me, "you're being so quiet".

"No, no," I quickly say, "I'm just enjoying this".

"She's the real successful one," SinB jokes, "did you see the crowds in Taipei".

"Yeah... success isn't always fun," I huff.

"I always wondered what it'd be like to have that many people desperately trying to see you," Jeonghwa says chuckling.

"It's not fun, trust me," I frown.

"I know, I'm sorry you had to deal with it," Jeonghwa smiles sadly, rubbing my back.

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