Chapter 35- I Ship U

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August 24th, 2016:

We had possibly the busiest schedule ever. Given we were now a solidified group, we were more in demand. We were all doing variety shows, on top of our Asia tour in Bangkok, Tokyo, and China. I had two After School Club episodes with IOI and Up10Tion. In between all that, we were rehearsing incessantly for the upcoming comeback as well as meetings for styling and the album as a whole.

I had had several meetings about the theme of my song. How did I want to market it, what would I wear for performances, what did I want on the screen, did I want a choreography, etc. It was all a lot of work, and I was glad I didn't have school to add to it.

"Have you guys seen the rumours?" Taehyung says as he scrolled through his phone during a break in practice.

"You're going to have to be more precise," Seokjin chuckled.

"BTS' Y/N and Jimin Dating? Here's the Proof," Taehyung said, obviously reading the title of what he was reading.

"There are rumours about me with one of you guys all the time," I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, but isn't it funny that it's the two that actually have partners that are in this rumour," Taehyung laughed, "and honestly if I were an ARMY, I would kind of, maybe see it".

"What's their evidence?" Jimin asks, smiling at how funny these rumours could be.

"Here," Taehyung said, leaning over to give me his phone. Jimin leant next to me to read it as well.


BTS' Y/N and Jimin Dating? Here's the Proof

BTS fans, ARMY, have been enjoying the group's travel adventures, BTS Bon Voyage for the past couple of months. Their comical issues and lovely bonding moments have ARMY asking for more and hoping for a second season. However, aside from the obvious member bonding, one ARMY on Twitter, @Jiminoppar95, has put together rather strong evidence that the Y/N and her fellow member, Jimin, are in a relationship.

In the thread, they point to Jimin and Y/N's obvious familiarity and comfort with each other that is not there with the other members. Below is the breakdown of the thread:

1. In the first episode, Y/N mentions taking one of the member's shirts. Looking at past images, it appears to look very similar to the shirt Jimin wore when coming back from Japan.

2. They sat next to each other on the plane to Europe and looked very comfortable sleeping next to each other if you get my gist

3. She went to go help Jimin when all the members agreed to make Jimin go get his suitcase from the bus alone. I feel like Y/N would love watching him suffer a bit, laugh about it with Jungkook, but instead, she went to help. That is the actions of someone with more love for that specific member.

4. Jimin very easily hugged her before and after they got his bag. They are usually so careful about such gestures, but he did it so naturally.

5. When they first got to the apartment in Norway, Jimin always stayed very close to Y/N.

6. He gave Y/N his bed that first night

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