Chapter 73- The Article

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Author's Note at the End :)

Underlined + Italycised = French

November 20th, 2016:

I had still been on the high from the win walking up with a massive headache on the boys' couch. We had taken cabs to their apartment and instead of walking to my dorm like I said I would, I crashed on their couch. I sit up and see Seokjin at their dining table eating some cereal.

"Hey," I say croakily, my voice very sore from all the screaming and drinking I had done the night before.

"Morning... or afternoon," Seokjin said, smiling.

"What time is it?" I groan, rubbing my eyes as I got up.

"12:34," Seokjin chuckles, "you're still up early considering everyone else is asleep. Hoseok woke up and then realised we had the day off and went back to bed".

"Do you guys have any hangover stuff?" I ask, sitting down and putting my head in my hands tiredly.

"Sejin hyung dropped some off," Seokjin chuckles again, leaning over to grab some from the end of the table.

I open the bottle and drink it all in nearly one shot.

"Here, take these too," Seokjin says, passing me some ibuprofen, "help with the headache".

"Thanks," I mutter, taking them with the cup of water in front of me, which was probably Seokjin's.

"I read your sister's article, it's very well written," he says after I had time to get myself together.

"What article?" I question confused. I knew she wrote articles, she was a journalist after all, but most were about Canadian politics and I didn't think Seokjin was interested in that.

"The one about you and the whole trial? She didn't tell you?" he answers slightly surprised I didn't know.

"No. No, she didn't," I shake my head, "we don't talk all that often... what did she write?"

"About how you coming forward was daring and gave Korean women a voice. And that hopefully it'll change things for the better in the future," he explains, "here, read it yourself... or maybe you can look up the English version, I'm pretty sure this is a rough translation given it was published this morning".

I do as he says and use my phone to look it up. I half expected to see a text from my sister telling me to go read it, but there was no text from her. The last text I had from her was from the family congratulating me on the win.

It was quite a short article but got its point across well. I was honoured she had written something like that about me, calling me brave and saying I was giving people hope. But at the same time, she had had plenty of opportunities to say that to me to my face, and she never did. We had barely talked these two months, but now she was writing an article about how I was this vanguard idol. Something just didn't sit right with me.

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