Chapter 11- Making Up

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March 10th, 2016:

It seemed like Taehyung and Jimin had made up, but there was still unspoken tension between everyone as if we knew we were all a bit to blame for what had happened. I guessed it was something only time would fix and we were all doing our best to move on. From what I had heard we had all spoken to Taehyung individually and he had hopefully gotten the support he wanted. 

I was in Yoongi's studio having just come back from school. I had finished a song I had started writing after the plastic surgery discussion with my family. It was a little more direct than I usually wrote, but this song wasn't for me. It was for Anne, and I wanted to make sure she understood its meaning clearly.

----- Love Your Pretty (Originally Pretty's On the Inside by Chloe Adams (Y/N version not Nightcore) ) -----

I don't look like her
She's in all the magazines
So much prettier than me You don't know it hurts Staring at my iPhone screen Watching others live their dream

But mama, she said to me (Mama she said)
One day my love... you'll see

Pretty's on the inside
See it in your own eyes
Look a little closer in the mirror tonight

Pretty's on the inside
But I can't tell my own mind

Maybe if I look a little harder, I'll find

That pretty's on the inside Pretty's on the inside
Pretty's on the inside

I don't like myself
But maybe it's all in my head

And I am not the words I've said

These images they sell

Maybe none of it is real
And I could love the way I feel

Cuz mama, she said to me... (Mama she said)
One day I swear you'll see

Pretty's on the inside
See it in your own eyes
Look a little closer in the mirror tonight

The pretty's on the inside
But I can't tell my own mind

Maybe if I look a little harder, I'll find

That pretty's on the inside

Pretty's on the inside
Pretty's on the inside
Pretty's on the inside

Cuz mama, she said to me... Don't live in jealousy

And mama she said to me You'll see it eventually

The pretty's on the inside
See it in your own eyes
Look a little closer in the mirror tonight

The pretty's on the inside
But I can't tell my own mind

Maybe if I look a little harder, I'll find

The pretty's on the inside

Pretty's on the inside
Pretty's on the inside
Pretty's on the inside
Pretty's on the inside


"You know, your mixt-tape is coming to sound a lot like a self-love album," Yoongi says as I walk back from the recording booth.

"Yeah... well, I guess that's what I'm trying to convince myself to do," I chuckle, "so that's what I write about".

"You might be onto something..." Yoongi said quietly.

As we continued talking about what mixing the song needed, Timothée called. He hadn't called or texted since the night he called drunk, and I didn't want to initiate since he was the one that had messed up. I hadn't told the boys exactly what had happened between the two of us, but they knew something had happened and that I wasn't happy with him.

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