Chapter 66- Mind Over Desire

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Author's Note:

I don't know if I should be proud or reassess my writing of the love interests with how divided you guys are between team Jongin/Kai and team Timothée 😅! I'm such a people pleaser and this is so stressful lmao

So this is a heads up to team Timothée supporters that there will be some more development after this chapter, so please don't hate me 😬

Underlined = English 


November 16th, 2016:

I got to my apartment very late, and I was surprised to find Timothée still there. I knew he had watched the award show with Nick here and had then texted he'd wait for me, but I got back so late I'd texted him to go to get a real dinner and sleep.

"Hey," I say tiredly when I saw the lamp lit next to the couch and the TV on.

I walk in further and see Timothée sleeping on the couch. I smile at the cute sight and silently put my bag down. I take the plate from the coffee table and go to put it in the sink. As I put the plate in the sink, the soap fell in the sink loudly. Timothée woke up with a jolt.

"Sorry," I chuckle at how frazzled he looked.

"Oh, hey," he said still half-asleep rubbing his eyes.

"What are you still doing here?" I question, "I told you to go get some real food and stuff. What did you even eat? There's no real food in the fridge"

"Umm, it was some of the cheese and strawberries," he yawns, "I wanted to be here when you got back. The performance was... well..."

"A sh*t show," I laugh darkly.

"Well, it wasn't your best and I knew you'd be upset," he said, walking into the kitchen and back hugging me.

"I was," I admit, "but the boys helped me keep my head up... still feels like sh*t though".

"Have you watched it back?" he asks.

"No, god no," I roll my eyes, "but I'll have to tomorrow".

"Well, when you do, I think you'll realise it doesn't look as bad as you probably think it does," he said, squeezing me more tightly for a second, "you just looked super professional".

"It's just we hold ourselves to such high standards," I sigh, turning to look at him, "and literally just before Jennie was saying how much she looked up to me and how she loved my performances and stuff... and then I go do that".

"I get it, but I don't think anyone is going to reproach you for one messed up performance, with the mistakes not even your fault," he said.

I smile and just rest my head on his chest.

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