Chapter 47- For Life

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September 14th, 2016:

I couldn't fall asleep. All night I was tossing and turning thinking about what I should do. My dad's words lingered in my mind. In the end, I sat up sighing. I got up and got myself a glass of water. There was one person that kept popping up in my mind: Timothée. He was an unknown victim in all of this as well, and even more, I really valued his advice. I wanted to rectify my mistake.

I down my water and get my phone. I call him, but he doesn't pick up. I wasn't entirely surprised; it was mid-afternoon in New York, and he was probably busy shooting. So, instead, I called Eunha. I still felt like I needed someone to talk to right now. She picked up on the third ring.

"Y/N?" she croaked; the image dark as I assumed she had been sleeping.

"Eunha," I say, unsure of what to say now, "I... I need your advice".

"Ok... what's happened?" she questions as she got out of bed and moved to their kitchen and turned on the light".

"Can you get SinB too?" I ask, wanting as many opinions as possible.

"Yeah, sure," she says, yawning slightly and going to wake up SinB. A few minutes later, they're both sitting down at their table.

"What's going on?" SinB asks very confused.

"I, well, I need help making my mind up," I start, "something's happened, something that's, um, pretty big".

Both girls look at me worriedly but wait to let me speak.

"Um... ok... so yesterday, someone did something to me. Something absolutely... gross, and now I don't know if I should press charges".

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" SinB says looking at me with peak concern.

"I mean, I feel... I feel used," I say, voicing how I really felt for the first time, "I feel sh*t. It was someone that I was supposed to be comfortable around... someone I was meant to trust. Frankly... I feel... I feel emotionally and physically abused... and that hurts," I explain, tears coming up to my eyes.

"Y/N, that's horrible. I'm so sorry you're going through this again," Eunha says, her own eyes in pain, "... so why are you hesitating? To me, I don't even know the details and I already know he deserves to be punished. Didn't you press charges last time? What's different?"

"It's different because we're known now, people care about the group now which means the press will pay attention," I sigh, "and you know the culture. I'll be blamed for it. It'll have been my fault. And honestly, I don't know, maybe I should be taking part in the bla–"

"Don't say that," SinB cuts me off, "it's not true and you know it".

"Either way, people will blame me, and then that is linked to the group," I sigh, "and we can't have any negative press, we're less than a month away from a comeback, a comeback everyone keeps saying is the comeback that will solidify our place in the industry. I don't want to be the one that f*cks that up. Think of the legacy I'd be setting".

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