Chapter 70- The End of an Era

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November 18th, 2016:

The meeting to meet with Daeseong was arranged for the 21st. Thankfully, he had agreed to all of my terms. I couldn't help but keep going through every possible scenario and it was unnerving me. Timothée had texted asking when he could come and talk. He seemed to understand where this was going, and he said he would be going home with Nick, so he needed to do it today since he was leaving tomorrow morning. I felt terrible about everything. It was literally all my fault. I was breaking his heart, and in turn breaking mine.

However, I couldn't be thinking too much about any of these things because we had to rehearse for MMA tomorrow and I was determined to not mess up this time. I was rehearsing in new heels so there were fewer chances of them breaking. We had been rehearsing all day when Timothée came by at dinner. Yoongi said I could use his studio and I was now sitting in his chair as Timothée sat on the couch. He had not told anyone of what happened last night as per my request. I would tell the boys but in due course. Now wasn't the time to be bringing it up with the stress of award shows so near.

"I don't want to make this too long for you, I know you're busy and have MMA tomorrow," he says, not smiling, "I know where this is going, and as much as I hate it, that I don't want this to happen, I don't want this to be a one-sided relationship cuz then it just hurts both of us. I just want you to know that I love you, I never stopped loving you and while right now of course it's hard, I..." he stops, trying to hold his tears, "I don't hold anything against you".

I could feel the tears coming out.

"I'm sorry," was all I could manage to get out, "I wish it didn't have to end this way".

"What did I tell you? Stop apologising," he finally smiles sadly, "it just wasn't meant to be, but that doesn't mean I didn't love every moment. I don't regret a thing".

"Me too, I'll never forget the moments we've had together. I loved every one," I say through tears, "if I would've met you under different circumstances... maybe it would this would have gone differently".

Timothée smiles looking away.

"I'll keep supporting you. I'll be on the lookout for all your movies. Make sure to keep me updated. I just know you're going to be Mr. Sexy of Hollywood. The actor of our generation," I smile, trying to alleviate the tension and sadness.

"Oh, trust me, this isn't stopping me from being an ARMY," he chuckles, "you'll dominate the world, I know it. You've brought me so much joy as a girlfriend, and I know you will continue to do so as my kpop bias".

"I wasn't your bias before?" I joke smiling, "but, for real, I'll make sure to watch all of your content. I'll always be a fan of yours".

He smiles sadly. He turns away and wipes his watery eyes.

"I really hope the meeting goes well and you can put it behind you. You deserve that at least, I'm glad it's almost done," he adds, "... and I'm always still here for you".

"The same goes for you," I nod, "I'm not deleting your number".

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