Chapter 25 - Bon Voyage Season 1 | Ep. 8

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Underlined = English

May 23rd, 2016:

I'm woken up by the sound of the van door closing. I check my phone and see its 5am. I was confused as to who was up so early, but I had honestly not been having the best sleep again and decided to go investigate. I subtly look at all the bunks and realise it was Jungkook who had left. I grab Seokjin's hoodie and go outside into the cold air. I spot Jungkook in front of the lake we had gone in yesterday with his camera.

"You're up early," I say as I approached him. He jumped slightly and turned to me with a smile.

"I wanted to take pictures of the sunrise," he says, showing me the pictures he had taken thus far.

"They're so pretty," I return the smile, looking from his camera to the real thing.

"What are you doing up so early though?" he asks me, going back to taking pictures of the scenery.

"The door closing woke me up and I wasn't sleeping well anyway," I answer.

"Oh sorry," he says, "I tried to be quiet".

"It's okay, like I said, I wasn't sleeping well," I pat his shoulder nicely.

"It's pretty cramped in there isn't it," he chuckles.

"Definitely," I shake my head, "and to think Namjoon oppa was supposed to be there too..."

"And he's the worst when it comes to snoring," Jungkook laughs, "you were saved there".

"I think we all were," I laugh with him, "but I miss him. He'd have loved the sauna".

"I know, I miss him too," Jungkook frowns, "but he seems to be enjoying his days off back home".

He had texted us about what he had been doing while constantly badgering us for pictures and updates.

"I guess," I sigh, disappointed our leader couldn't join us on the final leg of our travels.

"You ready to go back to Korea? Back to work?" Jungkook asks.

"Yeah," I nod, "we have a busy summer ahead, I have to be ready".

"Yeah, but like are you excited for it?" Jungkook pushes.

"Of course, I love our job. I love you guys, and ARMY, and singing," I say, looking at him confused, "are you?"

"Yeah, I think so," he says, not looking at me, but his camera instead, "I just get too in my head sometimes, you know? Like I love what we do, but I feel like I sometimes forget what it's for, why I'm doing it. And it's like with this vacation, I keep having to remind myself that we're members of a band not just friends on vacation filming a vlog. I've enjoyed just relaxing with each other and it's going to be a little weird to go back to like "work us" if that makes sense? Maybe I'm just over thinking things, I don't know".

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