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Short but sweet

Zander was having a sleepover with Millie! It was great fun! Then she decided to make a competition, as per usual.

"Hey Zandy! Let's see how our boyfriend would react if we tell them we're hungry!" It was 3 in the damn morning. "Sure why not"

I'm hungry!!!!

Oh no :( Get something to eat <3

"AASAS HES SO SWEET" Millie exclaimed. "HA BET LUKE CANT BE THAT!!!!!"

Zander rolled his eyes.

I'm hungry :(

Read 3:24AM

"I know he did not just leave me on read!?" Millie was in fits of laughter. Zander scoffed and they just continued on with their nights.

About half an hour later there was a repeated tapping on the window, kinda creepy.

Zander and Millie hesitated before looking outside. Then they saw Luke with a backpack throwing stones at the window. Luke climbed a goddamn tree.

Zander was petrified of Luke falling so he quickly opened the window and dragged him in.

"What are you doing here so late!?" Zander questioned.

Luke handed Zander the backpack and said "I got you food!"

Zander and Millie were silent.

Luke had definitely won the mini competition.

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