What to expect when joining my disc server!

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Everyone is unhinged

We have two very ongoing jokes

'Zanders bouncy ass' or just Zanders ass in general (this happened bc I said in headcannons 'Zander has bouncy ass bangs' and almsot everyone misread it as 'Zander has a bouncy ass')

And then we have

Luke being the typa guy to go to a urinal right next to someone and starting a conversation while Zanders in the stall blowing up Luke's phone begging him to leave the poor man alone (I DOMT EVEN REMEMBER HOW THIS STARTED, ALL IK IS I STARTED IT 😭😭)

Everyone's a bit delulu

Lots of sexual jokes

Lots of sexual jokes

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Exhibit A

We chill

There's actually ALOT of a good headcannons you can yoink

We do little events like: writing competitions, art competitions etc (mainly writing)

We do little events like: writing competitions, art competitions etc (mainly writing)

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Simping is allowed (ppl in this server would pass way if it wasn't)

U can self promote ur own books etc etc‼️🥰🥰🥰

We're also very very active

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