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Zander slammed the door behind him.

Tears of frustration threatening to fall.

He and Luke just had an argument, they had never argued before.

Zander unlocked his car and got in the drivers seat, he didn't know where he was planning to go, but he just had to go somewhere.

Luke, he loved him to death, hence why he actually moved in with him.

But he really pissed him off today...though he will admit it was him who started the argument- But still! Some of the things Luke said were out of line!

It had been hours now. Luke had cooled off and was now spamming zanders phone. He wasn't apologising though.

He knows some of the things he said were wrong, he can acknowledge that and will apologise.

However, he also wants Zander to acknowledge that his jealousy is unnecessary and sometimes goes too far.

Zander had found out one of his coworkers had a crush on Luke. He got upset that he hadn't been told and that Luke hadn't cared that she loved him. He did care, he just didn't make it a point to completely ghost her, considering he literally couldn't as most of his shifts at the vets were with her. And he had been told, that's the whole reason why he knew about it.

Right now he was sitting with bow on the couch. As mentioned, he was spamming Zanders phone.

He was begging him to come home. He knew Zander probably still had to calm himself down, Zander always took longer to come to a rational state of mind, so Luke isn't asking to talk to him right now, that wouldn't be fair on Zanders part as his mind was still rage driven. He's just asking him to come home. He wont be able to sleep with the knowledge that Zanders angrily driving around at night alone.

He just sighed as he put his phone down.

"Don't worry bow, daddy will be back!" He stroked the small dogs head. "..At some point-"

Zander stopped at a petrol station, he was at the electric chargers. (he has a Tesla 🥰‼️🔥)

He had went into the station and bought himself a coffee and a snack.

He finally picked up his phone, and was a little surprised to see all the messages as he had put his phone on do not disturb prior.

As he scrolled through the messages, he saw Luke repeatedly explaining 'You don't have to talk to me when you're home, but please come back I need a peace of mind, or at the very least turn your location on.'

Zander just sighed. Fine, he'd have to head back.

Luke's head perked up as he heard the door open, Zander walked in. Luke sighed in relief as bow got up and started trotting behind Zander who walked right past Luke and into his office. He still, as Luke had guessed, seemed to be seething. He had never argued with Zander before, but he's seen Zander get in arguments with others.

As Luke was walking to their room, the office door was open just a crack and he could see Zander balled up on his chair, asleep.

He sighed as he walked back to the living room.

When he came back, he had a blanket and a pillow.

He gently lowered the back of Zanders chair flat down to give him more space(and not chronic back problems) he put the pillow under his head and put a blanket over him, before crouching down and locking the wheels in place. When he stood up again, he kissed his head and then walked into their bedroom.

He wondered how long it would take. He knows Zander finds it difficult to apologise, so it's left him wondering.

Zander woke up, he still got a pain in his back. He sat up and looked around before looking down. A pillow and a blanket- must've been Luke..

He yawned as he stood up and opened the door slightly, peeking out. Luke wasn't there.

He walked out and over to a note on the kitchen counter.


Morning! I'm not sure if you're still mad at me, if you are then just take your time, I'm just letting you know I'm taking Bow to the groomers just incase you forgot.

Love Luke<3'

Zander just sighed as he threw the note in the bin. He wasn't mad at him anymore, more just upset. Of course, he knows that his jealousy was completely uncalled for and he shouldn't of started a fight with Luke instead of just communicating about how he felt, he always had problems with communication.

He just sighed, he knew Luke wanted him to apologise, he knew he had to.

But he just, couldn't.

He couldn't tell you why, but it was just something he had always struggled with.

After a few hours, there was a knock at the bedroom door, Zander had been occupying the bedroom for a few hours.

He walked over and opened the door, obviously seeing Luke.

Luke walked over and sat on the bed, motioning for Zander to come over.

Hesitantly he did.

He sat down next to him.

Luke gently put a hand on his thigh before speaking up.

"Listen, Zander. If you're not ready to apologise just yet, that's okay, I understand and I'll give you more time alone. However, right now I would like to apologise for some of the things I said and accused. Those things were not said from truth, they were said out of anger and I didn't mean any of it. So I'm sorry, I shouldn't of said those things to you. However, I cannot control who that girl likes, and I promise you Zander, as I've said, I don't talk to her unless I have to for work related purposes. Of course, I want you to be comfortable, and before you say anything, I know you never asked me to do this, but as much as I want to make you comfortable, I cannot change my shifts to avoid her. There's no reason for you to be petty against her, as I'd never choose her. I'm sure she's just having a short term crush, a crush to which I've been ignoring by choice in hopes to make her forget about it."

Luke rubbed his thigh in a small soothing pattern.

Zander stayed silent. He wanted to say something, he wanted to apologise, but he didn't know how to say it.

Eventually, Luke gently kissed his cheek as he stood up.

"You need more time then, yeah? That's alright, take your time." Luke smiled a bit before turning around and leaving.

Zander just groaned as he flopped back on the bed.

Zander had once again gone to the office.

As Luke walked into the bedroom, he saw a note on the bed. He smiled as he walked over to pick it up, assuming this was Zander apology as he didn't know how to vocalise it. He was correct, it was.

I know I get jealous a lot and I'm sorry, it was uncalled for. I know you can't change your shifts, and I know you have to talk to her. I don't know why I was so upset. Rather than blowing up at you, I should've tried to tell you about it instead, maybe then we could've avoided this whole thing. I didn't mean to yell at you, I was just getting frustrated. I'm sorry. I shouldn't of stormed out, that wasn't fair on you. I've been wanting apologise since this morning I just didn't know how too. I'm sorry, I'll try to work on my attitude in future, I didn't mean for this to escalate the way that it did.'

There we go. That's all Luke wanted.

He stood up and made his way to the office, where Zander was seemingly just scrolling on his phone.

Luke walked over, somehow going unnoticed, as he scooped him off his chair and threw him over his shoulder, receiving a shriek.

"Ah-! Luke-! What are you doing-!?" Zander protested as he kicked his legs.

Luke just smiled and rolled his eyes as he turned off the office light and headed towards their bedroom.

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