Small disclaimer

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Listen guys

I need you guys to remember this is MY PAGE

I'm sorry, but please don't post announcements of ur own profiles on MY CONVERSATION BOARD

I'm sorry right

But I don't want people commenting my conversation board saying things like: u guys should ch3ck out my new book! Or I'm deleting my acc and leaving the TMF community! And even awareness shit, I don't care.

I'm sorry I don't. Stop posting awareness on my conversation board, I'll say this here and now, my conversation board is for CONVERSATION

Where u can share random things about your day, ask questions about me or my books, or even just general questions

And talk to people.

I'm done with this, I'm sorry but I am, it doesn't even feel like my profile anymore, u might not see a lot when u check now,rhats bc I normally delete them.

Seriously, stop.

Love Sia<3

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