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For aslong as Milly could remember.

Her parents would argue, they would fight, they would tell her to be this, be that.

Her childhood was rushed, maybe that's why she is the way she is.

She remembers coming home from school everyday, to be ridiculed for even the tiniest spec of mud on her black leggings. They said if she were to wear a skirt like every other girl in her year, maybe she'd be more mindful of her clothes.

But she didn't get it, barely anyone in her year wore a skirt.. it was impractical for such long days.

She began to act out, maybe from anger, maybe from longing for attention, she herself doesn't remember.

"Milly! Get your head out the clouds! Cmon! We're going to be late!"

Milly Shot her head up, when had the car stopped? Her bestfriend Zander hurried her along as his mother shot him a glare for his rudeness.

She quickly unbuckled her seat belt and walked out, walking side by side with Zander.

"Right.... Luke said he'd meet us.... Over by Hot topic" Zander declared as he read back at the messages.

"Really? He's taking you on a hot topic spree, AGAIN!? You guys do this everytime!" Millie whined.

"What do you mean!? He knows I love hot topic! He's so sweet!" Zander gushed.

"EWW! Keep that shit away from me!"

"I'm not doing anything!?"

"You're being all mushy, I don't like that coming from you!"

Zander just rolled his eyes as he flicked her forehead.

All of a sudden his eyes lit up as he saw Luke.

He smiled as he sped walked forward and called out his name.

Luke looked up from his phone and smiled, almost immediately embracing his boyfriend with a hug and giving him a small kiss.

"You two are disgusting! Get a room!"

"Nuh uh, we're gonna be that one couple."


Luke rolled his eyes as he put an arm around Zanders torso, pulling him into his side.

"You're so immature Millie." Zander responded.

"If you were following two love sick dating gays, you'd get it."

Luke rolled his eyes again.

"They'll get stuck up there if you keep doing that~~" Millie teased.

"Oh shut up you, no they won't."

"No shit Sherlock."


They sat in the food court in some random restaurant in a booth.

Millie sat at one side, while Luke and Zander sat across from her, Zander hugging Luke's arm and resting his head on his shoulder as he leaned his whole body weight onto him.

"Can you guys cut the PDA for ONE second!?"

"No can do, I'm cold."

"..You're already wearing two of my hoodies..?"

"And I'm cold."


Millie rolled her eyes as she searched her bag. Where was her money-!? God whatever. She just sighed as she slumped back, of course, not missing the observant eyes of Zanders.

"Millie? Is something wrong?" He questioned.

"I lost my money.. I can't get anything" she pouted.

"Oh-! Don't worry about it! Zander and I can pay for you!" Luke smiled.

"Huh- Nono-! I couldn't ask you guys to do that- you should only pay for your own portions- you shouldn't have to half the cost of mine-"

"Don't worry about it, I don't know about Luke, but I have quite a bit saved up! I can pay for its entirety!"

"Uhm- No? We half Millie's bill?"

"No? I pay the whole?"

"No. I pay the whole."

And so, they started bickering.

Millie just sat there, what was this she was feeling..?

She looked between the two boyfriends, debating her feelings.

She felt loved..

She felt looked after..

"Guys really- You don't have to pay for I- MMPH!?"

Zander shoved a water bottle in her mouth, which he pulled out from his ungodly tiny bag, how did he even fit that in!?

"You stay quiet! Let the grown ups talk!"

And they continued bickering.

Millie took the water bottle out of her mouth as she started to see it clearer.

Did she see Luke and Zander as a substitute for her own parents...?

She couldn't help but feel ashamed.

But she also felt...relief..


After they ate, they were walking through the mall aimlessly looking.

Luke and Zander held hands, and Millie took it as a time to test her luck.

She walked up behind them and shoved the two boys apart.

"Hey-! Millie-!"

Before Zander could even start complaining, she grabbed onto both their hands and started swinging them as they walked.

They didn't mind.

Not at all.

They just continued their earlier conversation. this was what it felt like to be a child..

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