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Zander spent 2 years teaching himself how to wink smoothly and flawlessly so he could use it whenever he says the worst things imaginable just to catch people off guard. Like someone will be complaining abt smth and then Zander will add onto it by saying something outta pocket and doing the most seamless wink (I did that, 10/10 would recommend it's so fun I do it like 50x a day)

Zander has been cancelled on Twitter multiple times, he finds pure joy in it

He has blackmailed Drew, many times, mostly bc he has all his personal info: How to hack his security, his credit/debit card numbers, his phone number, address and even has the logins to all his social media, it doesn't matter how many times drew changes the password, Zander always makes it back

Luke has tried to stop Zander from doing these things many times, why? Bc they're crimes 💀

If Luke and Zander are watching a movie or something they've never watched before and a sex scene comes up, they both scream in horror, in sync, and shut off the movie.

Even tho Zanders like 16? He gets drunk sometimes, dw Shannon is always there to supervise him, until he gets too much of a handful (he's a crazy drunk who's also emotional and a light weight) so when he gets too drunk Shannon calls Luke over to deal with him💀💀

'Luke!! Can y come take care of Zander he's drunk🥰'


'Bc, he's fun to talk to surprisingly, but now I'm getting tired so'

Idk what it's like in ur countries but in mine 16 year olds can drink under parental supervision or in the safety of their own home

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