Happy new years oneshot💕

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Luke walked into his boyfriends home, once again they planned on spending new years together, though he had a different plan for this one. Luke walked up the stairs, and to Zanders room.

"Hi hon-..It's 4 in the afternoon.. why are you still asleep.." Luke sighed and rolled his eyes as he walked over to Zanders bed and shook him awake.

"Zanderrr! Wake up!"

"..Fuck you.. go dieeee..." he muttered, eyes still closed.

"Zander-! Wake up! Or I'll tell Shannon about your tattoo!"

Zander shot up. "Ok-! Ok! I'm awake!" He grumbled as he folded his arms.

"Morning then! ..still 4 in the afternoon but..."

"Shut up."

"Alright alright-! Zanderrrrr?"


"You know how we usually spend New years with a movie night-?"

"Hm? Yes?"

"..What if we went out to watch the fireworks this year?"

Zander blank stared him, before scoffing. "No way."

"Hold on a Moment-! Ive thought of a few ways to accommodate you!"

Zander just gave him a questioning look.

"Well first of all-! Ive found a place that wont have ANY people so we can watch from there!"


"And! I bought you these!" Luke dug through his bag and pulled out a box as he grinned and handed it to Zander.

Zander was confused, but as he read the words on the box, he looked up at Luke with surprise.

"..You got these for me..?"

"I honestly don't know how I didn't think of getting them earlier-...it could've prevented a whole lot of incidents."

Zander just looked back down at the box, looking down at the words 'noise cancelling sensory headphones' before giving a soft smile and quickly embracing Luke in a tight hug. "Thank you thank you-!" Luke just smiled. "Does that mean you'll come watch the fire works with me?" "..Hmm.. If the headphones work then I will.." Zander giggled as he kissed his jaw.

"Alright then! Let's test them out!" Luke grinned as Zander nodded and opened the box, placing the headphones on his head.

Luke moved one of the muffs away from Zanders ears. "Are they comfy?" He asked, Zander moved the muff back over his ear and held the headphones there, smiling as he nodded.

"Great! Can you hear me?" Zanders facial expression stayed blank.

"Alrighty then.. let me justt..." Luke looked around a bit on his phone, finally finding what he was looking for, he put his own, normal headphones over Zanders sensory ones, giggling upon seeing Zander with two sets of headphones on, he turned up the volume to max, and played a loud, constant banging sound. He was pleasantly surprised to see Zander didn't at all react.

Luke stopped the audio as he took off his own head phones, once again moving the muff away from Zanders ear. "Did you hear any of that?"


"Great! So you'll come watch the fireworks?"

Zander just sighed with a smile as he shook his head. "..I guess I will."


Luke held Zanders hand, as he lead him up the hill, he was talking, Ofcourse not being met with a response as he knew Zander couldn't hear him, but it's nice to talk to him anyways.

"Alright honey! Here we are!..ok let me just stop you." Luke smiled as he put an arm infront of Zander to stop him from walking. Zander just made eye contact with him and smiled.

Zander unrolled a blanket Luke had gave him and laid it on the grass, both he and Luke sitting down on it, Luke took a blanket he had brought and wrapped it around both of their shoulders as he held Zander close.

"You seem happier today.." Luke muttered, laughing knowing Zander still couldn't hear him.

Luke kissed his head before looking up at the sky, expectantly waiting for the fireworks to start.

And they did, Luke's eyes lit up, for the first 5 minutes he was watching the fireworks, but then his gaze drifted to Zander, and just stayed there..

It was his first time seeing Zander actually enjoying the fireworks- Usually, when they watched together in the past, Zander would freak out due to the claustrophobic crowd and the loud crash of the fireworks. But he was just smiling now, a genuine, happy smile, he looked amazed, Luke even took notice that he was taking pictures of the fireworks on his phone!

All of a sudden, Zander looked at him and then pointed up to the sky. Luke looked up, and just barely managed to see a firework that took the shape of a heart, he smiled softly as he looked back and kissed Zander gently on the lips. The kiss being reciprocated.

Maybe this would be their new, new years tradition?

A/N! When Luke played the banging sound, it's because he knew that they would work bc he tried the headphones on himself first, he only tested them again so Zander would feel secure.

//A/N! When Luke played the banging sound, it's because he knew that they would work bc he tried the headphones on himself first, he only tested them again so Zander would feel secure

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