My Love for You Is Royal💛💕

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Zander was a well respected Elven prince. He came from a long bloodline of power and wealth. The kingdom of the elves being the famously most successful kingdom to this date. He was the heir to the throne, being his parents only born.

Zander had pale skin, his hair long and curly, his bone structure defined, and he was always dressed with upmost elegance, his long pointy ears adorned in royal rings. He was an amazing speaker, great with persuasion, great with engagement. He was smart, and to the public never showed emotion. He was well trained for when the day came that he'd inherit the throne.

His bedroom in the large, ancient palace was at the top of a turret. A large room with a balcony, all different kinds of plants galore.

He sat inside his bedroom, sat on a large wooden swing in the centre of the room, elves were infatuated with nature, the floor of his bedroom grass. Elves loved their nature, homes typically never had your usual wooden floor. All just grass and flowers.

He stared at the open door of his balcony, awaiting his lover.

Being a prince he had many, many knights and guards. But one stood out from the rest. He was charming, unlike any man Zander had ever met before. Though of course for Zanders case, it's either marry a princess, or marry no one at all. He was fine with that. He didn't need any help to manage the kingdom. He knew he wouldn't. If anything he'd handle better on his own.

Every night his beloved boyfriend, would make the dedication to scale Zanders tower so they can be together and bond. Of course, Zander hates this arrangement, but he can't do much about it. Every single night, from 7PM, he's locked in his room. He won't be let out until 6AM.

He perked up as he heard the familiar clank of stone. He delicately stood off of the swing, his bare feet touching the soft grass below as he walked over to the balcony, he walked with his head held high, hands clasped, one foot in front of the other, as elegant as he always had been.

He gently placed his pale hands onto the cold cobble of the railing, as he brought his body to lean over. A small smile came to his other wise expressionless face as he saw his partner again, climbing. Forcing daggers into the side of the turret as he scaled up.

Once he was close enough, Zander crouched down, his long semi transparent cape bunched at his feet as he reached through the bars of the railing to grab Luke's hand, helping him as he climbed up to stabilise himself on the base of the balcony.

Once he was stable, Zander took a step back, dusting himself off as he rose to his feet. Luke climbed over the railing and smiled, proud he'd climbed up again.

"Good evening." Zander greeted with a quiet, but loving tone. "Evening." Luke greeted back, smiling as he felt Zanders hand intertwine with his own, as he was lead into Zanders bedroom. Zander sat Luke down onto the swing, before crouching in front of him. He picked something up from the floor, bandages. He was always prepared.

He took Luke's hand with such delicacy, as if he was handling one of his beloved fine China dishes, he began to gently wrap the bandage around the palm of Luke's hand, which had been cut, scraped and bruised from the rough and sharp cobble. This happened almost every night.

"We should try figure out a new system for this... Your hands always look so sore." Zander pointed out, not tearing his gaze from Luke's hand.

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