Lukes birthday💕

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Zander had made it home early today, being an author he had a very flexible schedule every single day and could come home whenever he wished as he was self employed and relied on his own skills and capabilities to catch up with any work he may of had to do the previous day.

Zander was rushing around his and his Fiancés apartment, making sure everything was okay. He would've loved to say happy birthday to his fiancé that morning, however he was out the door by 6:30 and Zander just can't wake up that early, he did set an alarm, but he had to guess Luke silenced it because that was the type of man Zander fell inlove with, entirely selfless and probably didn't want Zander to loose any sleep.

Zander only went to work for an hour that day, pondering what he should do to make up for the fact he didn't manage to catch his fiancé in the morning, before rushing to the store and all the way back home after.

Of course, he already had an assortment of gifts hidden around the apartment, he knows Luke is respectful and patient so really Zander doesn't have to hide the wrapped up presents, but where is the fun in that? In Zanders opinion; birthdays should be a day where you indulge in even a brief moment of childish joy. He's never been one to make a big deal of his birthday, though he does always enjoy the cake, everyone has that one part of their birthday that makes them feel like a kid again.

Zander had been busy at home, cooking practically all day and cleaning the home for Luke's arrival, he knew Luke couldn't care less if the house was clean enough to suit the king of England or just entirely a mess, but Zander did. If it was his fiancés birthday, he wasn't going to let him come home from work to a messy house, really, everyday they split the chores, though Zander decided that today he'd take all of them on as he didn't want Luke to work further after he returned home.

"Bow, come here darling." Zander spoke in a gentle voice, a smile pulled at his lips as he heard the familiar jingle of a collar and the small pitter patter of his beloved puppies feet.

He saw the small dog trot out of the bedroom in his small dinosaur onesie and sit down at Zanders feet. Zander smiled as he crouched down and put a hand on the fluffy head as he gently stroked it.

"Hello my darling.. It's daddy's birthday today, isn't it? He's turning 23 today. When daddy comes in tonight, give him plenty of cuddles, okay? I'm sure he's exhausted.." Zander spoke, gently stroking his puppies head, he knew the dog always did that anyways, but he liked to talk to the little guy, always. Bow looked at him with that sweet puppy like confusion in his eyes, but just seemed happy that his owner was giving him affection after being so busy for hours.

"Mmm.. Do I look okay..?" Zander pondered, looking into the mirror. He didn't look bad, he just looked like his normal daily self, in long flared pyjama bottoms and one of his lovers hoodies, his hair well done as usual. He stared at himself long and hard before shrugging. "Whatever.. after knowing me for 20 years I'm sure he doesn't mind." Zander told himself, it's not like they were doing anything fancy anyways.

He heard keys jingling at the door, making him jolt slightly, what was the time? He checked his watch and realising he lost track of the time, he was relieved he already finished his arrangements. He followed after bow, who was already bolting to the door.

He watched his fiancé walk through the door, the puppy almost immediately ran and began to jump at him, pawing his legs basically begging to be picked up as Luke struggled to make his way through the door.

Zander only smiled at him warmly as he gave a small giggle, crouching down to temporarily hold the puppy back so his fiancé could actually get in the door.

"Welcome home dear, happy birthday." He spoke as he looked at Luke lovingly, the same look of fondness being returned.

"Thank you, Angel.. You're home early, aren't you?" Luke asked with a smile. "Mm.. Came home early to make some things."

Then Luke's expression turned curious as he stared at him. "To... 'make things'..?" He questioned as he took off his coat. "Mhm!! I know we already had dinner reservations for this Sunday..- But that felt just a bit..well- easy. And I didn't like that it was all I was doing for your birthday, so I did some things tonight!"

Luke just sighed as he shook his head with a small smile, amused. "Of course you did, if I may ask, what exactly did you do my darling?"

Zander smiled as he let go of bow and rose to his feet, taking his fiancés hand, and leading him to the living room. As soon as they entered, Luke couldn't help but give a small chuckle seeing how hard at work his lover had obviously been. The couch was decked out with cosy blankets and cushions, the lights turned off with one of two candles lighting the room, the table had numerous foods and treats, all clearly made by his partner rather than store bought, aswell as a few neatly wrapped gifts.

"Baby.. You know you don't have to do all this for me.." Luke smiled at him, though he's saying that, he just felt happy that he found someone who cared enough to put so much time and effort into his birthday, sure the dinner reservation that they had was a nice thought, but Luke knew that this meant so much more to him.

"But I did, so sit your ass down." Zander joked, playfully rolling his eyes. Luke rolled his eyes back as he lightly shoved Zander. "Way to kill the moment Zan." He laughed lightly as he sat down. "It's the one thing I'm good at." Zander spoke as he sat down next to his fiancé on the couch, cuddling up to him, he missed him whilst he was at work, and if he's honest, he always misses him when he isn't around, even if he's just in the next room.

"Trust me my love, I know." Luke gently wrapped an arm around Zamders shoulder, pulling him closer as he looked at the TV.

"Eh..? Young sheldon-? We haven't watched that since highschool?" Luke spoke, looking down at his fiancé who simply smiled at him.

"Well.. we never really got around to finishing the series.. plus, I know you like the nostalgia of it." Zander responded, making Luke blush a bit, his smile still fond and gentle. "Hm.. I suppose you're right about that." - "That's because I'm always right." - "Shut up, no you aren't."

After a few hours, the candles had been blown out by the soft wind coming through a slightly cracked open window, the two lovers found themselves asleep on the sofa, their limbs entangled with eachother as they slept comfortably in eachothers embrace. A few unwrapped presents lay around them, like a watch, a signed football that took months to find, and most importantly, a bouquet of crochet roses; flowers that will last forever and Luke doesn't have to go through the distaste of having to throw out flowers his Fiancé got him.

Though, unknown to Zander, somewhere else in the apartment sat a vase with a bouquet of lilac tulips gently placed inside. That day when Luke returned from work, he had a bouquet for his love hidden inside his coat, he snuck off to the bathroom at some point during the night so he could put them in the vase to ensure they didn't wilt overnight, he knew his fiancé would find them in the morning.

The small fluffy dog was curled up next to his owners, his paw gently atop do Zanders ankle, he too asleep. The neatly organised pillows and blankets from before were all over the living room, naturally when you're engaged to your real soulmate and your forever bestfriend, it's a little hard to keep things romantic before spiralling into your more playful behaviours such as pillow fights.

Luke's Bday, 19th of May y'all

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