Am i an asshole?

252 6 15

Ok i feel pretty shit abt thsi so can y'all be honest?💀

Ok so basically, i have a dead TMF TikTok collab. Yeah. Our rules for audtion r pretty simple.

U make the TMF character on gacha club
And make a skit using ur own design

Pretty normal yeh?

Well some girl joined and she kept doing the aud wrong (Eg: only sending a screenshot of the character, and then sending just a picture of the character on thwir gacha club with no design changed despite the fact that is mandatory and it has to be a video.) so I declined them and told them how to audtion again (I'd already explained 3 times prior) (though I also feel this is my fault as i was probably too strict of a Hoster especially considering the fact that the collab is literally dead)

Today she came on with an edit of the character she wanted, as in, took clips from the series and edited them. Of course, that's a reasonable mishap so I told her again. "I'm sorry but that's not we're looking for"

She responds with

"Yes it is"



Here's where I probs fucked up

"You make the characters on YOUR gacha club, make YOUR screenshots, and edit them together"

At the time I was tired, I had just recovered from a meltdown plus I was on my period, so I never registered how that sentence could've been taken as rude. Which wasn't my intention, my intention was to highlight key details. Though I don't blame her for taking it out of context.

Anyways, I get added to a groupchat, just me, her and her friend.

To which she sends a screen shot, but only shows me saying 'You make the characters on YOUR gacha club, make YOUR screenshots, and edit them together' and nothing prior to that.

To which I respond with sending the full screenshot of the conversation and they see I have another server in my list with a Milly icon.

"What's the server with the Milly picture?"

"It's just a server for me and my friend"

"Can I join?"


"Rude much"

At this point I was pretty tired and upset, I was editing a video and what not. And before anyone else says it, I'll be the first to say, yes, I was unnecessarily rude. I know I was, and I'm sorry for that. I wasn't thinking at all while writing, I was more just an emotional wreck (not bc of the situation, more bc of other random things)

'How is IT rude?💀 it's a server for me and ONE friend. Want invited to my family GC aswell?"


"Smart ass. Anyways, can I go?"


"Damn ok"

So we wait, and then their friend comes online.

"Wtf why didn't you accept her?"

So then I explained the rules again and they're like:

"But it's literally the character? It's an edit wtf"

"I know, but it's not what we are looking for unfortunately, I'm sure there's another collab somewhere that's more alive and rules better suited for you"

Then they obv continued arguing and I'm not proud of it but that added to my agitation so I started arguing back and forth and being a little bit passive aggresive.

Eventually the friend left the GC.

Which I did respond with 'LOL' which I shouldn't of done, that was crappy IK. I'm not usually like that only, I was just really, really pressed today.

Blah blah blah, a bit later, not much arguments just snarky remarks to Eachother, I eventually add another member of the collab to the thing. (She had also been repeatedly sending them the edit and it had made them uncomfortable so it seemed reasonable to add them at the time though I do know that I should've also kept it between me and the girl.)

We pretty much pretended to be dating and saying shit like

'Hey pook pooks"

"Hi gumdrop🥺🥺"

"What's wrong? Do u not like my pookie?"

"No shes uglyyy"

"Yaaa I'm the grinch confirmed 😝😝"

"Ur skin AINT green?"

"You haven't seen me? It's like jaundice, but green"

Eventually we made the person leave, and we both blocked them and kicked them from the server

Tho I feel shitty as fuck.

Idek what the fuck was wrong with me, usually I can be polite and de-escalate and what not, but for some reason I only fuelled the argument rather than just letting them into the collab anyways.

I don't even know why I'm telling y'all this when it's pretty clear I'm the asshole, and I'm willing to admit to that.

Idk I just had to write my feelings somewhere

Hope y'all having a good day

Love Sia

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