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Zander and Luke were walking around town, Luke had taken him on a surprise date.

But he was barely talking, at all, Zander was holding his hand, dragging him along as he talked about how excited he was for college.

He didn't know how to tell him.

Everyone else In his life knew, but Zander, because he was the only one he couldn't bring himself to tell.

He was going abroad for college.

He was going to his home country, Poland, for college. Zander assumed he was going to a college somewhere in the state, and Luke felt awful.


The gentle voice of his boyfriend pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Oh- Yes sweetheart?" He attempted a smile.

"Are you ok? Your head has been in the clouds all day.." he asked, concerned.

Luke sighed, he wasn't ok, he'd be leaving Zander in two days, and he still didn't even know it.

"Yeah I'm alright- just thinking-"

"Thinking about what?"

Zander was in such a good mood right now, it was rare, he couldn't ruin that, not just yet.

"..I'll tell you after our date.. ok..?"

Zander just smiled and hummed in acknowledgment.

Why did love have to be so hard?

Luke brought Zander down to sit on a bench, he wasn't ready to tell him, it was dark out by now, but unfortunately zanded had remembered Luke had something to tell him.

He sat down, and held both of Zanders hands in his own.

"..Zander..- You know I love you, right..?"

Zander blinked, confused, but smiled nontheless. "Yes, you tell me every millisecond of the day."

Luke just sighed as he looked down.

"..What's that look for..?" Zander asked, growing anxious.

"Well-..about college.."

"..yeah..? What about it.." Zander asked, with a tilt of his head.

"..I'm going to a college in Poland-"

"Come again-?" Zander asked, hoping he didn't hear correctly.

"I'm not doing college in this country, I'm going abroad, to Poland, on Saturday.."

He finally looked up from the ground, and saw his boyfriend, sitting there, stunned, tears already beginning to well up in his eyes.

"Hey hey-! Don't cry darling-! We'll keep in touch!" Luke tried to soothe as he quickly cupped Zanders face and used his thumbs to wipe his tears before they fell.

Zanders lip Just trembled before he shakily asked.

"..who else knows..?"

"Uhm.. oh god-"

"..Luke..? Who knows..?" Zander repeated, seeming to get more nervous with his lack of answer.

Luke sighed.

"Uhm..- the club.. my parents- your parents.. and uh- Daisy and Sadie..-"

"..What..? What the hell-! Why was I the last resort!?" Zander yelled, as he stood up, tears now flowing from his eyes.

Luke stood up as he tried to grab Zanders hands again, only for Zander to tear away and hold his hands to his own chest.

"Why didn't you tell me-! I'm your boyfriend! Why am I always the last to know!?" He sobbed.

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