Spiratually Bound. 💛💕

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Zander tried to make sense of his situation, but really there was no use as he himself was struggling to come to terms with what was happening.

He had been going about his day as per usual, going from class to class just as every student in the school was, same old same old, nothing new, nothing fun.

He had gone for a brief walk during lunch, but noticed the occult club following him, which if he's honest, he doesn't like occult. But he also doesn't mind if other people do it, well.. unless it's these guys.

Zander tries his absolute hardest not to judge people, but these people were far too hardcore about the occult that Zander was convinced he was watching a live action murder documentary about the early stages of a cold blooded lunatic whenever he saw them.

So of course, these guys following him was unsettling.

He sped up his pace a bit Zander recalled, and as he did so, they did aswell. He moved into a light jog, they followed suit. He began to sprint, and Zander was indeed a fast runner, but they happened to run faster.

Next thing he knew, he felt something hard hit the back of his head, and everything went black.

As he was awake now, he couldn't see at all, blindfolded. But he could feel his hands tied to his neck, he was being dragged along a cement floor by his hair, he could tell that. His scalp was aching more than it ever had.

Zander was choosing to continued to pretend to be out cold, deciding it was his best bet at that moment in time. He didn't panic, he was stoic as ever. He couldn't understand what was going on.

Eventually he felt himself be thrown onto a  hard floor once again, he was pulled up onto his knees as the silk blindfold was lifted from his eyes.

He looked around at his surroundings, and was genuinely absolutely floored.

He found himself right dead center of the occult club room, in the center of a pentagram. Which was surrounded by lit candles.

"Oh fuck no." Zander audibly said, trying to stand up, no way in hell was he about to play into these boys silly fantasies, and he sure as hell was not being ritual bait.

But he was promptly kicked back down to the floor. Zander just groaned and rolled his eyes. He may as well just get it over with. He could not wait to tell Hailey about whatever the fuck was going on here.

He watched as all the members sat around the circle and began to chant. Which was definitely creepy and straight up fucking weird.

Though immediately he was incredibly freaked out as he saw the pentagram actually begin to glow.

Oh fuck no he was ACTUALLY ritual bait. Zander only closed his eyes, tight. He didn't want to open them, he wasn't a religious guy, but oddly enough he found himself saying prayers on his head, because really, he was getting used as a sacrifice, he needed all the help he could get.

He could hear the chanting get louder, he could hear and feel some kind of wind swirling around him, he could hear rumbling.

Suddenly the chanted stopped.

And then it was silent. Until he could hear screams.

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