Way to fame 💕🤍

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Luke and Zander were sitting in their living room, sitting at opposite sides of the room in a comfortable silence as they both dabbled around on their phone.

All of a sudden, Luke heard Zander let out a loud gasp.

He looked up and saw his fiancé wide eyed with a hand pressed firmly over his mouth in shock.

"What happened dear?" He asked, turning his own phone off.


Luke just sat up, waiting for Zander to compose himself.

"I GOT INVITED TO TAKE PART IN AN AUTHORS PANEL!?" Zander shot up, seemingly reading over whatever email was sent over and over.

Luke was just as shocked. "HUH!? ACTUALLY!?"

"MHM-! I KNOW MY BOOKS HAVE GAINED POPULARITY- BUT AN AUTHORS PANEL!?" Zander looked like he was about to start bawling, in a positive way, he was shaking, he was so happy that he was shaking.

"Congratulations darling!" Luke smiled as he walked over to kiss his head and sit next to him. He held his waist as he leaned on his shoulder.

"..Am I allowed to go..?"

"Huh-? Why are you asking me-?

"Because you're my fianceeeeee...?"

"No, don't ask me. Don't make that a habit. Just go if you want to!"

"But you're my fianceeeeeeeeee...?"

"Yes, and I love you, but I also don't want you to have to ask me if you can go places. You're an adult, you can go wherever!"

"If I go..Can you come..? I only want to go if you do.."

"Seriously-!? So if I don't go, you won't go either?"


"It's only a week away from me?"

"You're delusional if you think I could manage that.

"Well of course I don't mind going with you!"


"Shut up. Where is it?"

"Dickhead. It's in LA!"

"I'm scared to have you in LA..."


"You're... you...."

"Thanks Einstein. But why?"

"You're gonna take the opportunity to get wasted and blow your money."

"Buttttt I have money to blowwww.."

"I know you do. Don't worry, I'll look after you when you're drunk." He smiled as he ran a hand through Zanders hair.

"Okay-! Should I respond-?"

Luke nodded.


Zander was pacing around his hotel room, worried. While Luke sat on the bed trying to get him to calm down.

"What if I mess up!? What if what I say is incoherent!? What if I wasn't actually invited to one and it's a scam!? What if nobody shows up for me!?"

"You won't mess up, you're only incoherent when you're wasted, you are invited to one I contacted the venue to make sure, I'm showing up for you, and I also saw people on Twitter talking about how excited they are to see you."

"Nooooo! What if they're lying!"

"Then I'll still be there"

"What if you're lyingggggggg!"

"That would be one hell of a dedicated lie, 14 years? I'd deserve a medal."

"Nooo!! Shut upppp!"

Zander turned around and locked himself in the bathroom.

Luke, still as nonchalant as ever counted to 3 with his fingers and then:

The door shot open again.

"Are you positive I'll be fine!?"

"Yeah! You're fine!"

Zander just sighed as he walked over to the bed a collapsed on his knees infront of Luke.

Luke just rolled his eyes as he moved Zanders head to lay on his lap.

"You'll be fine, don't worry." He stroked his hair.

"I knowwwwwwwww-! How long now..?"

"20 minutes, we should probably leave now."

"Now!? I'm not ready!"

"Yes you are Zander, cmon, you'll be fine." Luke smiled as he stood up and brought Zander to his feet.

"I'm gonna throw uppppp!"

"Stop being silly, come on."

He took ahold of Zanders hand as they walked out, receiving an over exaggerated groan from his fiancé .

They were driving up on Luke's motorcycle, Zander sitting behind him with his arms firmly hugging his waist. 

"Luke.. I might actually throw up..-"


He just got a weak groan as Zander rested his head on Luke's back.

Luke just sighed. "We're almost there-"

Eventually, they made it to the venue, before walking in, Zander ran over to a trash can and emptied his stomach, while Luke just remained behind him rubbing his back.

"You're going to be fine darling. Are you just stressed, or unwell?"


"It's alright! You'll do great!"

Zander just sighed as he stood up straight and dusted himself off.

"..do you have gum...? I don't want my breath to smell like vomit..-"

"....I'll go check the vending machines-!" Luke smiled before walking off.

Zander just sighed. He was beyond nervous. He fidgeted with the lanyard he was sent as he awaited Luke's arrival.

Eventually, it was time to go in. Luke had already went to the viewing area, unfortunately considering he was a relatively new author, he would be the first one called out.

And they did, they called him out.

With a pat on the back from another author taking part in the event, Zander walked out with shakey legs, seeing the crowd cheering and almost having an a heart attack right then and there. Nontheless, he smiled and waved, but trust me, in his heart, he was frowning and flipping everyone off and crying relentlessly.

As time passed, his fears went away. Lots of the audience were asking him questions, to which he was eager to respond to. The people on the panel with him were lovely and they kept having a small joke around. As he was talking, his gaze fell on Luke... He was recording-!?

Luke had been sitting with a smile on his face the whole time as he held his phone and recorded, never taking the camera off Zander. He hated books, he saw no interest in authors panels, but the situation entirely changes when it's his fiancé. He could hear him talk about whatever plans he had for a fantasy Victorian book any of the week, for hours on end. He loved him.

He noticed Zander staring at him, a look no one else but luke could recognise as a death glare. To which he just smiled and gave Zander a thumbs up.

Zander narrowed his eyes before turning his attention back to another author who had called his name.

For the remainder of the evening, Luke sat there and intently listened to every word his fiancé had to say.

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