Drunk 💕🤍

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Luke sat on the couch, scrolling through his phone, Zander had went over to haileys for a catch up, he was waiting for Zander to text him to let him know he's ready to be picked up. However, hailey texted him.


Hey! What's up?

Ur husband is wasted🥺 can u come pick him up🥺



How much did he have?

Uh, 4 glasses of wine and likeee- 4 whiskey shots- ..and some vodka..


IDK OK, I FORGOT😭 anyways hurry, rn he's accusing me of murdering u


Luke just chuckled a bit and rolled his eyes as he stood up and grabbed his car keys, he had only been expecting to bring Zander home a bit tipsy, but alas, he was wrong.

When he arrived at haileys, Zander was very thankfully asleep. So Luke put him in the backseat, laying down and put all 3 of the seatbelts over him. Luke looked up to the mirror for a brief second and smiled upon seeing Zander still asleep, eyes fluttered closed with a flush spreading across his face due to his drunken state.

He just signed and shook his head. His husband didn't drink often, but whenever he did, Luke had to mentally prepare. He'd only be asleep for so long.

Luke pulled up to their apartment and gently took Zander out of the car, cradling him in his arms trying to keep him warm enough so he doesn't wake up due to drop in temperature, he didn't, what he did wake up at though, was how loud Luke accidentally shut the car door.


Fuck. He woke him. SHIT.

"Heyyy honeyyy-"

"I'm married you dick. Back off." He slurred as he fell out of Luke's arms and harshly collided with the ground.

"Atleast you're loyal.." Luke muttered as he rolled his eyes. He knelt down beside him, by now he'd got himself onto his knees and was shifting his body weight mostly onto the one arm, his upper body was swaying from side to side, his eyes droopy but his brows furrowed with annoyance, presumably at Luke trying to 'hit on him'

"Darling, I am your husband."

Zanders brows softened as he hugged him. Luke of course hugged him back, but made a mental note to NEVER leave him alone when he's wasted. Not that he would, but he would probably have to tell their friendgroup too.. He doesn't like how easy it would be to get him to go with some stranger.

He helped him to his feet as he gently lead him to the door of the apartment complex, struggling to walk as Zander was hugging him from the front, when he tried to walk up the stairs, Zander dropped down, his arms still wrapped around his neck but he was dropping to his knees in the stair well, dragging Luke down with him... Luke of course, never made it to the floor, he just kind of picked Zander up from under his thighs and sighed.

Finally he made it back to their apartment, Zander babbling incoherent nonsense all the way there. he opened the door, locking it up behind him as he dumped Zander onto the couch.

"Husbandddddddddd" Zander slurred out.

"..my names Luke- What's up-?"



"I'm thirstyyyyyyyyhyyyyy"

"Do you want water?"


"...You're Not getting Tequila."

"Whyyyyyyy!" He whined.

"Fine, I'll get you tequila, just stop your attitude."

His eyes lit up. "Thank you!"

"Mhm." He pat his head and left to the kitchen, Luke had dealt with this a number of times, something he wished he knew the first few times he took care of Zander, was that when Zander was wasted, he honestly couldn't tell the difference between tequila and water. Vodka and water. Even cocktails and water.

He got out a water bottle and filled it up with ice cold water, he screwed the top back on and returned.

"Here, your tequila." He handed it to him and sat next to him.

"Thank youuuuuuu!! Love youuuuuu!!" He said in a sing song voice as he started drinking the water but immediately spat it out.

"Bleh-! It Burns-!"

Luke had to stifle a laugh.

"Does it?"

"Yeah-! I don't want tequila anymore.. can I get water..?"

"Mhm, of course." He took the bottle back to the kitchen, but he just stood in the kitchen doing nothing for 5 seconds before walking back into the living room and handing him the untouched water bottle.

"There you go, water."

Zander drank it and smiled.

"Thank you!"



Luke rolled his eyes with a smile as he sat back down next to him.

..he would have one hell of a hangover in the morning.

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