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My parents found out about me giving my thighs some slicing and dicing

Now they're not letting me chill in my room, like I'm banned? I ALREADY GAVE THEM MY RAZORS!?

So now I'm not allowed to chill, in my own room, on my own bed. I have to sit on my couch in the living room.

I'm not allowed upstairs alone anymore, only to quickly grab shit.

I don't get mad easily, but I am so fucking pissed and sad.

Like dude

I was chilling on my bed, watching YT then my dad comes in and he's like "Hey just letting you know your mum says you can't be up here anymore"

Um? What? It's to stop me from cutting, but like, I could still do it literally anywhere in the house wtf, not that I'm going to, but ffs, let me make use of my own fucking room

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