I miss you💔💕

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Luke sat by Zanders bed, his hospital bed. Last night, he had overdosed. He took his prescription bottle full of antidepressants, and he put them all in his mouth at once and washed them down with water.

Luke had been working late that night, working paid overtime. He wanted to make more money, so he could buy Zander an extravagant engagement ring.

The engagement ring he was saving for, a purely black shiney ring, the base of the ring had black leaves randomly scattered around the base. In the middle, was a purple jewel, in the shape of a rose.

Luke just stared at his boyfriends body, he was wired up to so many different machines, he didn't know what most of them did. He could only identify feeding tubes, IV and oxygen. And of course, the worse of all, the life support monitor.

Why had he done this? Why would he even consider it? Did Luke not give him enough? He thought he gave him the world, he gave him everything he could afford, everything he could do, he did for him. Everything he didn't do, he didn't do it, for him. Why? Why had he done this? Why wasn't he happy?

Zanders therapist had ruled him free of depression, so both her and Luke deemed him fit to leave therapy.

He had lied. He had faked his progress. Why? Why would he do that? And why hadn't he noticed it. The improvements were so sudden, so forced, and he didn't register it.

He reached his hand out as he gently cupped his face in his hand. He began to slowly rub his thumb against the skin, over and over in a soothing pattern.

Usually, even when asleep, Zander would react, he would reach up to hold Luke's hand against his cheek, but he remained still.

It must've been the muscle relaxers they had used on him.

Zander had been unconscious for 3 months now.

His bedsides were filled with flowers. Some wilted, some fresh.

Luke sat on the same chair next to Zanders bed. He was holding his hand, eyes empty, just staring at him. He didn't know what to do, when he wasn't in the room, he was worried to death, when he was in the room, he was numb.

He looked at Zanders face, eyes gently closed, mouth shut.

Zanders face used to make him flustered, giddy, but now, he felt uncomfortable. It was eerie.

Luke gently let go of his hand as he moved it up to Zanders hair. It was flat, it was dry, not how it usually was.

He just sighed as he brushed his bangs out of his face as he leaned forward to leave a gentle kiss on his forehead.

He pulled back as tears came to his eyes. He picked up one of Zanders hands in both of his as he brought it up to kiss it. Tears rolled down his cheek as he whispered against Zanders skin.

"I miss you."

Y'all want pt 2?

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