Stressful Day 💓💓

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I'd like to deeply express, this not a smut, lemon or lime. Fluff!!

Zander walked into his home, he was exhausted. He just had an authors panel, and it didn't go well. Security had to escort numerous people as they kept yelling slurs when Zander revealed that one of his new books would star a gay couple. The worst part is, Luke wasn't at the authors panel this time. There was some emergency with a poorly dog at the vets office, so he had to go to that.

He took off his faux fur coat and hung it up, not being bothered to go through the process of cleansing his bag as he usually did he just dumped it on the floor, kicked his shoes off and walked into the house, slumping over.

Luke's stuff wasn't at the door, so he must've still been at work. Zander made his way to the kitchen and grabbed himself a very fancy chalice as well as a bottle of red wine. Then he left to the bathroom.

He sat the chalice and glass bottle on the bathroom counter top as he began to run water for a bath.

When the temperature and water level was to his liking, he turned off the water.

He put dried rose petals in aswell as a fuzzy pink bath bomb. He put some.. salt into the water, he didn't know what it did exactly, but apparently it hydrates your skin.

He put a tray over the top of his Bath tub and gently put the wine ontop.

He got undressed and stepped into the bath, almost melting at the comforting warmth of the water as he stretched his legs out.

Before he put his hands in the water, he grabbed the remote to a TV he and Luke had in their bathroom (they're rich, ok?) he turned it on and put on his favourite Soap. 'The eastenders'.

He poured himself a glass of wine and began to sip, finally feeling himself relax.

When Luke came home, he frowned upon seeing Zanders shoes not properly put away, and his bag just dumped. The authors panel Might've not gone well, he sighed.

He could hear the faint murmuring of a TV, so he walked to the living room after he hung his bag and coat.

Zander wasn't there. Of course, he must be in the Bath. That's what he usually did when he was stressed.

Luke walked over to the bathroom door as he gave it a small knock before slowly opening it, giving Zander the chance to reject his entry if he didn't want him there.

"..Hey darling.." Luke greeted him.

Zander looked over at him and smiled softly.

"Ah..! You're home. Do you want to join me..?"

Luke just smiled and nodded as he walked in, not bothering to close the door. The only people that lived there were of course, Zander and himself, and then their pets. Haribo, Bow and sir meowington. But the club were baby sitting them at the moment.

Zander put his glass of wine on the tray as he sat up while Luke undressed.

He walked over and got in the bath aswell, he sat behind Zander and wrapped his arms around his torso, Zander leaned back onto his chest as Luke rested his head ontop of zanders.

"You're watching this shit again..?" Luke muttered as he nuzzled into Zanders hair.

"Hey-! It's not shit-!"

"It most definitely is." Luke chuckled as he ran his hands up Zanders sides, Zander fell silent at the comforting touch.

There was a comforting silence, aside from the tv playing in the background.

Zander clung onto one of Luke's arms as his other was occupied with his wine glass.

This was the only way he'd find acceptable to relax after a tough day.

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