Sleepover! (With a side of shampoo) 💕🙃

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Ah yes, club sleepovers. How fun, Zander had saw everyone's mood decrease rapidly after Jake had betrayed them, so he hosted a sleepover! He smiled as he looked around him, seeing how his plan had actually worked. Everyone was the same as they were before.

They were all sitting in a circle, Millie tackling Sean trying to grab who knows what. Hailey, who Zander hadn't seen be happy in a few days was laughing and trying to hold Millie back. While he and his boyfriend were cuddling and watching this shit go down.


"NO LITTE MISS- AH-" Millie had managed to knock Sean over as she clambered over him trying to reach for her phone, which even in his position he was still holding it over his head.


Hailey just giggled "I don't think I can-"

"FUCK- ZANDER CATCH!" Sean hurled it at Zander.

Zander obviously felt his heart skip a beat, what if he dropped Millie's phone!? Ah nevermind it was already severely damaged anyways she wouldn't care- But either way he managed to catch it. Luke saw this and let go of Zander and scooted away.

"WHY ME-!?"

And just like that, Millie pounced on him trying to grab her phone.






He saw Sean behind Millie signalling for him to throw it, so he did. And Sean caught it.



And Millie was back on Sean. Who then threw it back to Zander and vice versa.

Millie finally got it back.

"I never expected that from you Zander. I cannot believed you'd aid Sean on his shenanigans."

"Cry me a river." He rolled his eyes.

"I think you need a punishment." She grinned from ear to ear while he just raised his eyebrow.


"I need you, to grab some shampoo from your bathroom and down the bottle!"

Everyone just looked at her blankly.

"Now why on earth would I do that."

"What!? You saying you can't do it!? You too scared!?"


"Honey- Please do not give into the peer pressu.. and he's gone-"

Zander stood up and stormed to the bathroom.

"...Why Millie just why..?" Hailey questioned with her head in her hands.

"Not gonna lie, I'm intrigued to see how this plays out." Sean said.

"..he's gonna end up sick.." Luke said, concerned for his boyfriend.

"Fuck off. I just need to prove a point." Zander said as he sat back down, a fair distance away from everyone as he didn't quite want to throw up on them.

"So? Can I start?"

"Of course!"

"Honey please reconsid-... and he's started-" Luke grimaced as he saw Zander take the lid of the shampoo and drank a bit, he himself then pulled a face of disgust as he swallowed the first amount.

"OH FUCK THATS DISGUSTING-" He called out causing Millie and Sean to start cackling like a duo of hyenas.

"Not supposed to taste good Zander, you're kind of supposed to put it in your hair." Hailey responded, she herself now interested.

"Fuck off, I'm no pussy." And with that, he began to properly down the bottle.


"HONEY- HONEY PLEASE- THATS ENOUG- MOLNEYSH" Sean covered his mouth and tackled him to the ground.

"SHUT UP LUKE." He let go of him and sat back up.


"TOO LATE NOW HES HALF WAY THROUGH THE DAMN BOTTLE" Hailey laughed as she pointed at Zander.

"Christ-" Luke just sighed as he crawled over to Zander and sat behind him, knowing full well what was to come. Zander finished and slammed the bottle on the floor.

"THERE I TOLD YOU I COULD. And in the most respectful way possible, we all know I'm about to throw my guts up, so all of you look awa-" and with that Zander started gagging and coughing.

"DAMN- OOPS MY BAD-" no one particularly actually looked away, Hailey Millie and Sean were kinda laughing from how dumb this situation was. Luke was just rubbing Zanders back as he pulled his bangs out of his face.

And then. Zander started vomiting, the vomit had bubbles in it and everything.

"OH MY GOD EW-" Sean covered his mouth in pure disgust. They all watched in literal horror while Zander put his hand up like ✋ as if telling them to wait for a second while he finished throwing up his organs.

Luke was visibly grimacing and looked as though he was gonna be sick himself, though he continued rubbing Zanders back and kissed the back of his head.

Eventually Zander stopped vomiting. "Gah..- Anyways- I'm off to clean this shit and brush my teeth."

"..go brush your teeth honey..- I'll clean this up-"

"Luke- let him clean it-"

"No- Ill put myself through this torture. Off you go hun"

"Thanks! Love you! Have fun with that" Zander waved as he headed back to the bathroom.

When he arrived, the vomit was gone and Luke seemed very visibly disturbed.

"Sorry, love, won't do it again. I have a sick bowl this time!"

"I regret making you drink that fucking shampoo.."

"Because I proved you wrong? Get fucked hoe." He flipped her off.

They spent the rest of the night playing minecraft 🙀

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