Drunken Affection 💕🤍

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It was a Saturday night, the outside of Luke and Zanders small apartment was rainy and glum. They had invited their friends over for a few drinks, as per usual, Luke was sober, both due to just generally not being a fan of alcohol and also because being a vet it wasn't uncommon for him to be called to work during the night to tend to an emergency surgery.

Currently, he was on a plush arm chair, zoning out a little whilst everyone else was yelling and screaming. He was leaning forward in the chair because well- His husband was also drunk, and seemed to find himself comfortable laying inbetween Luke's back and the chair.

Zander was practically all over him, which he always was when he was drunk, not that Luke was complaining though. He felt Zanders hands lazily wrap around his torso as he nuzzled his face into Luke's waist. Luke sighed as a fond smile tugged at his lips, gently moving a hand down to tangle in his husbands messy curls.

"Hello, love. You okay?" He asked gently, moving the long messy bangs out of his husbands face.

"Lukeeeee...~" He slurred over his words, Luke just chuckled. He felt Zander move again, finally leaving his comfortable spot from behind Luke as he fell onto Luke's lap, struggling a bit before managing to sit.

"Lukeeee.. dearrr...~"

"Hey honey, I'm here, what's up?" He asked, gently caressing Zanders cheek with the back of his hand.

"I'm so sorryyyy...~"

"You're sorry-? For?"

"I'm sorrrryyyy.."

"I know your sorry love." He said playfully. "But I need to know what for." He spoke as he kissed his forehead.

"Mmm.. I don't say it enough..~"

"Don't say what enough, Angel?"

"That I love youuuu.." he said as he cupped Luke's face, though his figure swaying as he was struggling to hold his own head upright.

Luke paused for a moment, it was true, Zander didn't say those 3 words an awful lot, but he didn't really have to, because Luke knew for a fact Zander loved him loads.

Luke only let out a small laugh as he cupped Zanders face, giving him the exact same affection. "My love, it's okay, I know you love me. Your actions speak a lot louder than your words my sweet."

"Ehhhhh... nooooo.. I love you so muchhhhh..~"

"I love you too hon. I love you too." Luke smiled, deciding not to try convince Zander anymore, because if he was honest, he was quite enjoying hearing everything falling from his husbands lips at that moment.

He gently brushed Zanders bangs out of his face once again, due to his head constantly swaying they kept falling back into a mess.

"Like I really really love you..~ I don't think I've ever said this but you're so handsomeee.."

"You've said it a few times dear."

"And you're so gentle with everyone.. and animals too.. I love animals, do you know that..?"

"Mm.. never would've guessed." He teased, knowing that Zander was hardly paying much attention.

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