Zander headcannons

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He has ADHD. He often cries to himself in his room about it, few of his teachers actually recognise that he needs more help. When he was diagnosed the moved Luke to any classes available of Zanders.

Dog person. Cannon.

Ok this one is actually cannon. Zander is very very light. In the mall episode "Zander why don't you sit in the middle? You're the smallest of all of us!" And then "why does everyone drag me around like I'm a rag doll!" That just proves that nobody needs to put in any effort to pull him. Also Luke managed to pick him up bridal style while running 😰

He refuses to bite his nails. No matter how nervous he is. Nails stay on fleek.

He gets acrylics done often. Mostly black.

Loves chokers


He cries very randomly. Like bawling his eyes out 😭

A lot of the time when he looks at Luke, Luke will just lean in be kiss him

He enjoys painting

He's too scared of driving so when they're aged up Luke is his personal chauffeur

Loves tigers

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